Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Doves are a nice touch

Virtual Readers,
I went to my first funeral this week. (Firg, I'll give the proper shout out when I can add some pics) It really got me thinking. And without being a Debbie Downer, I would like to express my personal feelings on my very own funeral, when the day happens.
First of all, do it around a campfire, or around a cooler of beer when it's warm! Comfy seats for everyone, no wooden pews. I'd like some stories, some jokes, and feel free to cry your eyes out. You could call it "teers and beers", that way I'd get a good turn out. And no open casket, no matter how good I look, resist the urge to display my body. Make it a huge f'n party! (But don't forget to cry a little.)
Oh yeah, Doves are a nice touch. I'd like doves please.
Thanks for reading this through in its entirety and not clicking on "fisk's funny blog", or SRW Sunshine blog when you saw the words "DEBBIE DOWNER".

Friday, November 23, 2007

I so did not travel

Went to Craig Hospital today to get rocked in a game of "Go Ball". It was 4 on 4 half court.
I was upset, I just think the ref made a shitty call. I so did not travel.


You can do it Anne

From the left, Anne, Elke, Jersey Girl and myself. Anne has never made this particular gang sign, but she did execute it perfectly.

Plastic Jesus, yes please

I don't care if it rains or freezes, as long as I got my plastic Jesus...
Now sing it...MMMMMhmmmmmhmmmmm

Cute stuff

This pic was taken about 15 minutes after everyone left. BFF did a great job preparing food for my whole family, and a bunch of our friends...15 people. She and Codie (short for Codependent) were tuckered out.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

You guys need eye protection

Cooking with BFF can get aggressive. My sistas had to provide a shield for all of the potato shrapnel.


Kari. She was our special guest tonight. Kari is a West-sider. You wouldn't know it though, she's real down to earth and loads of fun.


Kari brought us the best cake ever. We call it the "Party-in-your-mouth Cake". It might look like a Sombrero in this pic, but under that aluminum, is a fiesta for the taste buds.

Here our friend Kari is trying to sneak out the door without anyone noticing that she has a grocery bag full of who knows what from our house. Thankfully, BFF caught her just in time.

Hair Emergency

Jersey Girl had a hair emergency. The bottom line is, she needed me, and I have mad hair styling skills.

Nice work by me

The finished product. Tomorrow I'm gonna use the roll brush. And I was right, one of those cyclist guys had it.

Elke and the Hot Tomatoes

Yin and the Yang


Meet Peanut. He loves that song by the Black Eyed Peas, "MY HUMPS". He has a real humping problem.
Isabelle's elbow has been sore lately, and now we know why...Peanut.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

top 5

I love the smell of cucumbers. They don't have a lot of taste to me, but the aroma of cucumbers makes it into the top 5.

Our plan worked perfectly

K-Man, our plan worked perfectly today. Your so-called sick day totally got me out of cleaning the gutters when I got home from my frigid ride. Hot cocoa and Curious George was just what the doctor ordered. Thanks man, I owe you one.

self timer

I went for a mountain bike ride before the weather turned cold today, or at least when I thought it was warm. I am smiling in this picture, but I froze my off on the way down.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Jerry Springer

Who's buying this stuff for their kids?

Isabelle and Jordan

The Hot Tomatoes (aka Jen and Anne) think their dogs paws smell like popcorn or brownies on any given occasion. Seriously you guys...are you f'n with me or not?

Ojo a Ojo

I consider BFF somewhat of a dog whisperer. She is in heaven this week, as we have 3 dogs staying with us. Here BFF is shown on the ground with the dogs so that she can be "ojo a ojo", or paw to paw.

Cotton kills, but it looks good

Sharon and I wore the same shirts today. This is another prime example of how we're "sharon" a brain. Cotton might kill, but don't we look great?

Hungry like a wolf

Went for a ride with Fisk and Sharon (aka SRW) today. Unfortunately, this is the only pic I got of Fisk, and you can't even see her face. If you could see her face, you would see that she has hungry eyes.
Patrick Swayzeee, if you're reading this, I love that song.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Read this book

I think my virtual friends would really like this book. It talks about food a lot, which made me think that I really should talk about food more in my blog. Stay tuned for some top fives...

My first press conference

From the left:
Surgeon who saved guy's life, Firefighter who saved guy's life, guy whose life was saved, translator lady who is saving guy's a__ now by helping him answer reporter's questions, and family of lucky guy.
It was my first press conference, and it was everything it was cracked up to be. Bright lights, microphones, hot room, and bottled makeup guy though, that was a disappointment.

Dear Camera Guy

Dear Channel 2 Camera Guy,
Here's a little bit of your own medicine. Makes you nervous huh? Seriously, with the tens of readers that are addicted to this site, you'll only begin to know what people feel like when they're put in front of a camera.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

C to the J

Meet my Cycletherapist. His name is C to the J. He makes me feel good about my cycling habit.
Hop on into the Sports Garage and maybe you'll get to meet him. You may just have to remind him that hugs are free.

Google it, I dare ya

Do all of my virtual readers know this woman's name? If not, you should learn it cuz you might be shouting and cheering it sometime in 08. It's Alison Powers. Go ahead, google her ass. She's the real deal.

being a kid looks fun

The menu: Cheetos, Hot Dog, Grapes, Carrots and Ketchup
All of these items are or-a-ganic, except for the Ketchup, I do have a heart. Have you ever tried the natural ketchup? It tastes like Poo.
K-Man wants everyone to see his Lightening McQueen sticker, speaking of poo. He's outa diapers folks! He's never ingested so much candy in all of his 2.5 years, but again, it's or-a-ganic candy.

5 pounds of fat

Virtual Readers, this is what it looks like. 5 pounds of fat. Some cruel individual brought this into the gym yesterday.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Pet the kitty, don't kill it...

Meet Anne and Zoooooner. Anne is photographer extraordinaire. Zoooooner is a Jersey Girl. They own the Hot Tomato in Fruita, CO.
They've been coming to town every weekend to support a friend who is rehabbing at Craig Hospital. We all went to see her today. Her spirit in infectious. I played her in JENGA, and you would have thought that she was dismantling an atomic bomb. She has the patience of Mr. Miagi. I am the exact opposite.
"Pet the kitty, don't kill it." If I had a nickel for every time I heard this...I think you know how the game turned out.

Can you take our picture?

BFF and I had a great time at the game. I think we talked and laughed the whole time. So I asked the woman behind us to take our pic. Right on par with the last dozen shots, BFF turns her head at the last minute. I think she might be really sick of the blog thing. I ask you BFF, "which is better, the blog or the fart machine?" It's one or the other. Since the fart machine "magically quit working", I needed something else. Something that could entertain me for hours at home alone, or in the coffee shops, or wherever.

Ritchie Center sold out!

Virtual Readers, it's true, the Ritchie Center was sold out!!! Duke vs. DU women's basketball. This looks a lot like it did when my team, the FLC Lady Skyhawks, used to play DU. We packed the house yo. We packed it with a painful silence I mean.
DUKE has a couple of women from Highlands Ranch. The sea of blue was blinding. I knew they were fans from the Ranch cuz of all of the H3's in the parking lot, and they all had Starbucks in their hands.

Gang signs

BFF and I needed a couple of beers like a fat kid needs cake. That's Minnie flashing the gang sign, and A.T. looking at us with the Manson lamps.

Special Guests

Jacattack and I had a couple of special guests for our ride this morning, CT fisk, and Billy Ray. Here we are at Red Rocks. There were a bunch of people running the stairs. We were up top with the smokers who just watched the exercisers.

My Sissies

I came home from work this morning and heard my sissies laughing in the basement at themselves. They're real funny.
They spent the night with BFF last night. I was worried about them driving on the highway to get to my house, and just then, I heard the song "Jesus take the Wheel" and I knew they would be alright.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


The K man loves him some BFF.
He held this for about 2 full minutes. She said that she could feel little boy breath in her nostriles.

Toughest decision of the day

Strong or Soft? It really depends on the day doesn't it?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Little Guys, Big Helpers

We were helping the heck out of this lady today, and when we came back to our truck, we found these little guys. One of them has an eggcarton, I mean airpack on his back.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Best game ever

I would like to thank my friend A.T. who introduced me to the best game ever. It was especially valuable during my most recent trip to the Midwest.
It's called: Lesbian or Farmer's Wife?
It's not as easy as it may sound. I will not be posting those pics, as I do not want to insult any farmer's wives who may be reading this.

Monday, November 5, 2007


The best part of the ride was meeting BFF and her family for breakfast. I introduced them to the Jacattack. She has 2, count em', 2 titanium hips, and she's really really fast.
She's the best training partner a girl could have.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

riding with da boyz

My Life Coaches

I got some of my own medicine last. These 3 were all over my a__ with ways to improve my communication skills.
Well I got one for you guys, lose the defensive body language and then maybe, just maybe I'll listen.

Food Baggage

Meet Piper. She has food baggage from her childhood. Her family would only allow her to have carob cake on her birthday. I think that is basically child abuse.
Pretty Lady's birthday brought her right back to that horrific place in her memory. There was all kinds of healthy food, with no pesticides, no hormones, no hydrogenated oils, no wheat, no corn get the point. It was a tough night for Piper.

Pretty Lady

I went to Pretty Lady's' birthday party last night. She doesn't eat gluten, so I had to drink extra amounts of beer just to balance out my diet.

the double u double u double u

MJ and DJW crack me up. A couple of days ago when they came to town, I explained to them what a "BLOG" was.
"Kenny are you doing the blogging?"
"Are you looking at someone's blog?"
"How do we look at the blog?"
"O.K., double u, double u, double u, d-o-t, k-e-n.............."
They've kept us on our t-o-e-s.

The Adult Treehouse

I went for a ride this weekend with Paul and Rob. I can't tell you where, it's super secret. In fact, before we started out on our ride, they really wanted to know about my "blog filter".
"Is this going on the blog?"
"You aren't going to take a picture here are you?"
I think I've already said too much. It's basically like their adult treehouse, where they have their own language and their own snacks and stuff that I really can't talk about.
It was a great ride though, thanks boys.