Monday, March 31, 2008

The old index finger toothbrush

K-man was over the other night.  He forgot his toothbrush so I taught him the next best thing. 

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What up?

Went to the Rapids game last night with Donnis and Maxalicious.  Great stadium.  Great seats.  Delicious hot chocolate.  Crap game.  Apparently the LA Galaxy spent all of their money on David the Beautiful and couldn't afford any supporting players for him.  Rapids 4, Galaxy 0.  

Can you say awkward?

The lady right in front of me had on the same jacket.  That is sooooo awkward.

Hello Hottie

Hey Beckham.  Where's Victoria?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Brace yourselves

Some of my Virtual Friends have inquired about my new job assignment due to the fact that I have a baby in my belly.  All I can say readers is brace yourselves for some real funny office antics.


Max and Donnis are here from Durango for the weekend.  Max is all big and strong now.  He used to be K-man's age when I hung out with him.  He's says that makes me old.  Max, seriously, look how not old I am in the pic.  

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sneeze much?

Sneeze much?  I do.  All day today.  Nose blowing too.  It's 70 degrees outside, and I'm inside pouting cuz I'm sick.  The good news is that I'm not nausious.  And I'll take this dumb cold anyday over the flu-like symptoms I've been having the past 3 months.  I think Hulk and I are gonna get along just fine under this new arrangement.  Thanks buddy.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Beautiful huh?

We went for a bike ride today.  It was sooooooooo nice out.  Hulk has finally loosened his grip on my vomit button.  And yes, I've tried ginger tea, and saltines and acupuncture.  Still sicko.
I even tried eating a spicey burito to show Hulk who is the boss.  I learned a valuable lesson that day.  I've only crapped my shammy a couple of times in my life (who hasn't really?) and that little lemon-sized baby owes me a new pair of bike shorts.  
Hulk wanted to go up.  So we went up.

top o' the world

One of Hulk's favorite days so far...this is a pic of us on the top of the ladder.  A real artsy pic huh?

Monday, March 24, 2008

baby hulk

Dear Virtual Readers,
I'm fo shizz up da spout.
I'm hungry.
I'm cranky and I'm sick.
However, BFF and I are real excited.
More news to come.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New names

More names for C-Ray's blog...She mentioned Fabio and Fabiola. 
How 'bout Aeriel, and Aeriola?  

Nice work by me

Hulk and I went for a ride today.  Here's the brakedown.
-heart rate at 136 approx 2 blocks from my house.  Odometer reads 8.6 mph.  When you deliver these kinds of stats, your body needs fuel

-eat 1/2 of pb&j approx 6 blocks away from house

-can't seem to get my mind off of the other half of pb&j

-pedal for 20 minutes, then I pull over so I can fully enjoy the other half of sandwich

-stop for pee break

-pedal for 20 more minutes, then I crack open the CLIF NECTAR bar and ravinously eat that as well, before my body goes into shock and begins consuming my own tissue...(I think I read that somewhere)

-now I'm ready for a steady climb up Lookout

-"...I'm sooo hungry, I'm soooo hungry"

-ask skinny guy that passes me at mock 10 if I can buy some food off of him.  Silly question. This man doesn't eat.  If he does, it all goes to his knees and elbows, cuz they looked proportionately bigger than his biceps and quads.  (Skinny biker guy, if you're reading this, I had no money anyway.)  

-turn around and head for home

-pee break #2...I din't actually go #2 (like someone I know, A.P), it was just my second break

-Calories consumed:  1200
-Calories burned:  500

Nice work by me


Monday, March 17, 2008



BFF and I took the K-man to the park to ride his bike and play on the playground.  This kid is real crafty on his bike.  Most of the time he doesn't look where he's going, then he'll slam on the his brakes and miss the park bench by inches.  He must have done this a hundred times, and each time, BFF and I would close our eyes.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


How come the firehouse smells like Hamburger Helper and Old Spice in the mornings?  It makes me want to throw up in my mouth...

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Meet Kelty.  This dog has the longest eye lashes.  I wanted to put mascara on them and curl 'em up real nice.  But I don't know how to do girl stuff like that, so I didn't.

the fam

The fam, ready to ski

Does this jacket make me have a hump?

Does this jacket make me look like I have a hump?  An-hel-a had on a few layers for her day of skiing. 

Where are the groomers?

The family in Steamboat last night.  Aunt Kay and Uncle Dave were in town to do some serious skiing.  Aunt Kay was on a desperate search for groomed runs.  We found that very funny.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

no tanks, sandals, or jeans...

The restaurants were real fancy.  They even had dress codes.  Long pants required, no tank tops, no sandals and no jeans.  If you could see our feet, you would see the sandals.  I'm not a rule breaker, I just didn't bring nice clothes to the beach.  


This is how I remember PP the entire week.  He had this thing attached to his face.  Wierd that his shoulders were sore.  

Fat Brain

Apparently it's bad luck to see your bride the day of the wedding.  I think it's bad luck to sleep on a 4 foot couch when you're 6 feet tall the day of your wedding.  Anywho, this allowed us to spend some quality time with Fat Brain.  

Turn Down Service, fer real?

Turn down service was something new to me.  They come and fluff your pillows and get your bed ready to sleep in.  The mint is a nice touch.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are those pool filters on your head?

Are those pool filters on your heads? Nice work on the paella boys, it was wrestling the Bride's stomach to the ground the night before her wedding.

sunscreen is for sissies

PP and me. PP thinks sunscreen is for sissies. Day 2 wasn't quite as comfortable for him. Can we get another round over here?


Great big pool. It seriously took me 5 min and 15 seconds to swim all the way across this baby. I'm a horrible swimmer, but was big.

Day 1

These pictures were taken from day 1 in Paradisus Riviera. Heather and Fat Brain (bride and groom) hooked us up with a room upgrade, thanks yo! PP got comfy in the robe right away. This is just one example of how comfortable he is with his manness (not gay).