Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sun's out, Guns out
Hey calf guy...
Calf guy runs some sort of bike sale operation out of this 2-car garage.
Hey calf-guy, remember the injury that I sustained in this garage today? We'll just call it the "CRUSHING INJURY OF '08". Well, I'm probably gonna sue. I'm gonna own half of this garage soon. This baby is not gonna feed itself calf-guy.
For Sale
Friday, May 30, 2008
six pack and a pony keg
Thursday, May 29, 2008
"I'm so innocent and cute."

She acts like she's all innocent and sweet in this picture, but twice now she's snuck out of the uterus and made balloon animals out of my intestines. She thinks it's real funny.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
why baby, why?
Why does the baby need leg fat? Can anyone answer me that? I sorda get the extra side abs, and the African woman boobs, but lunch lady arms and leg fat are a real mystery. I'm gonna ask baby when it comes out.
sorry I burped on your head
Basically, if I had to birth this baby tomorrow I could give myself my own epidural, push it out, then BFF could cut the cord and Hulk would be latching on to my boob first shot, next thing we know, baby's off to med school.
(Sorry I burped on your head Kathleen.)
This pic shows BFF learnin' the straight girls something.
Friday, May 23, 2008
baby on a bike
Blood bath
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A couple of things...
First things first...
I am off the hinges excited for the Sex In the City movie. I've already planned on sneaking popcorn and a beverage into the theatre.
On another note...we've had our share of visitors at our house lately. (Landscapers, window guys, miscellaneous contractors) Today we had a Radon Mitigation system put into our house. Virtual readers, save your theories on "Radon is a government conspiracy" for someone who hasn't just spent $1000. Anywho, I'll just get to the point. I think our radon mitigation guy may have sexually abused our cat BOB. He's acting real funny. He was hiding under the bed, and had thrown up several times. Then I went to pet him, and he cowered like a puss. If there are any shrinks out there who would like to donate their time counseling him, please leave your number in the comment section down below. And I do mean "donate" cuz we're out of money now.
Thanks ladies
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Me walking into a room full of guys today.
Guy #1: "You have a bunch of shit on your face Kendra."
Me: Horrified and wiping my face.
Guy #1: "Come closer. Oh, it must have been a shadow."
Me: A quick trip to the mirror to confirm my fears.
Me walking back into the same room rull of guys.
Guy #2: "Seriously Kendra, you do have a bunch of shit on your face."
Me: "It's actually hyperpigmentation caused by pregnancy and exposure to the sun."
What Guys #1 and #2 actually hear: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah."
What Guys #1 and #2 are actually thinking: "Her tits are really getting bigger."
Sunday, May 4, 2008
milky thighs
Virtual Friends,
I've been a little camera shy lately. The cut of my jibb has changed significantly in the past 2 weeks. If any of you have seen LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, I look a lot like Olive right now. All of my shirts are riding up my gut, my shorts are showing off my milky upper thighs, and the cowboy boots are tight around my cankles.
It seems that the Incredible Hulk is trying to get a better view of the world by pushing my belly out. This gestational superhero is growing like a weed. I'll try and get some pics posted. Not of me, but of people's faces when they see me. Those images, unfortunately, have been burned into my brain forever. It looks like my shrink has her work cut out for her this week. And to think, she was ready to break up with me at our last visit. I hope she learns a valuable lesson after I show her how much disfunction I can muster up in a week.
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