The National Fire Chief's Conference is in Denver this week. My assignment was to pick up 4 Chiefs from DIA on Friday.
This should be e-z, I thought.
Borrow City Vehicle
Drive to DIA
Pick Chiefs up
Impress them with my humor and good looks all the way to their Hotel
After they pick up their bags at baggage claim, I lead them to the space where I parked said City vehicle.
"OH F...someone's playin' a trick on me Chiefs."
City vehicle is suspiciously missing.
Virtual Friends, I missed the photo opportunity of this rare occasion, because my camera was in the vehicle that was ticketed, towed and impounded.
I will post some pics later, cuz I asked one of the Chiefs to please take a picture of me and the cop who so kindly mended this sticky situation. I'm sure those Chiefs were impressed as heck.
On another note, I'm loving the Olympics. The road race looked soooo painful. Levi did us proud with an 11th place finish though.