Thursday, October 29, 2009

Storm Force 2009

Today was a full on "snow day" in Colorado. Even the schools were cancelled. I was real excited to be outside building snowmen, and sledding, and then coming back inside only to burn our tongues on hot chocolate and making forts in the basement out of old sheets and blankets...
Instead our day went something like this:
9:00 am home from work
9:10-9:30 read books and play
9:30-9:45 share a bowl of flax seed oatmeal and Mama drinks coffee (coffee is the sweet, sweet nectar of life, not enough in the world for me this morning to keep my eyeballs open)
9:45-10:30 tickle time, and begin to gather snow equipment for playing outside.
10:30-10:42 chase Alex around the house attempting to put on socks and boots for outside activities
10:43-10:48 wrestle Alex into hoodie and snowsuit
10:50-10:55 take off snowsuit, put mittens on, then snowsuit
10:56-11:03 Alex sweats bullets and cries while Mama gets into her winter gear
11:04-11:06 Put a crying, screaming Alex into sled, because, DAMMIT, this is gonna be fun
11:07-11:09 Alex is moderately happy being pulled around in 2 feet of snow, Mama is dripping sweat and desperately needs more coffee
11:14-11:18 Go inside, take off snow suits
11:19-11:29 Lay in bed with a bottle, turn on Madagascar, and we both take a nice long sleep...sleep....sleep
1:00 Wake up from nap and make mac' n' cheese
It took 36 minutes to get ready to go outside.
We "played" outside for 8 minutes, 8 very long minutes.

25" and still snowing

I saw my hometown of Golden, Colorado on the National news this morning while I was at work.
The media is calling it "Storm Force, '09".

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

my little buddy

Alex and I had fun outside today. I mulched the leaves with the big-girl mower, and Alex made the mower sound with her lips while she walked behind her truck.

Rental car

Don't get too attached Alex, it's just a rental car.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Alex was invited to a birthday party this weekend at CHUCK EE CHEESE. She did not know such a place existed, until now. She strapped on her feedbag at the pizza bar and was totally enamored with the singing mouse.

Sally's swag

Sally June is going to ride her bike in the cold this winter and she needed some warm riding gear. Since those days are over for me, (thank the Lord) I was happy to help Sally spend her money on bike swag. I did manage to find several cute outfits at the swap this year.

still lookin' good

I see my Prom date from high school every year at the Velo Swap in Denver. And each year, we take the obligatory uncomfortable photo just like we did in high school.
You're still looking good Justin.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New magic shoes

Alex turned a major corner today. She's on the move folks. Because of these new shoes on her feet, she can walk, well actually it's more like a run. She's still perfecting a few details, but she's doing it!

Dolly Rae

This is Alex's new dolly, named Rae (after our friend Billy Rae).

Look at my hair you guys

We played a pretty intense game on the window that made Alex laugh.

the blowfish game

The "blowfish on the window" could have gone on for hours.

crime scene

This was the crime scene this morning. Alex shoved her doll, Rae, into the trunk of her car.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

pot and the kettle

Alex and I packed up the car today and drove to Boulder to hang out with Sam and his Mommy.
Same kept calling Alex "baby".
As in, "Where's the baby?"
Not as in, "Hey baby, wanna hang out?"
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


Alex is dreaming of the ring she will pick out someday.
Question? Who pays for the wedding? Is it the Bride or the Groom's family?
I can never remember such details.


Halloween is the strangest holiday. Pictured next to Alex, is a baby crib fully of crying, talking, Chuckee dolls. We weren't scared though. (Well at least Alex wasn't.)
Oh yeah, and on Alex's lap is a scary black cat that Beth put in our stroller. We almost made it out the door with that darn thing before I noticed it.

Billy's back

The chicken and I watched Billy Rae race her bike, she looked real fast to us.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Um, hi.

kick his ask

I can't wait until I can understand all of the jibberish coming out of Alex's mouth.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Alex loves music, like for real, she LOVES it. Her most favoritist thing in the whole world is the Jason Mraz, "I'm Yours" video. (She thinks she is the lead drummer, and she does background vocals. I know her drum set is ghetto, but times are tough.)
This is 8 minutes and 11 seconds to myself, where I can do whatever I want to do. Sometimes I will unload the dishwasher, sometimes I will go to the bathroom (by myself), and sometimes, if I'm feeling CRRRAAAAAZY, I will eat while I'm sitting down...BECAUSE I HAVE 8 MINUTES AND 11 SECONDS TO MYSELF.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

nose hole

We went to the Museum today to say hello to the farm animals.
I had to hold Alex's hand, because she would have totally jammed her fist up poor Donkey's nose hole if I didn't stop her.

Hulk on a car ride

Just a little taste of Alex's world with the Incredible Hulk.
This kid cracks me up.

Thanks for the reminder Doc

At Alex's most recent visit to the Pediatrician, one of the routine questions was, "How much television does she watch each day?".
That reminded me, she hasn't watched TV in a while. Thanks for the reminder Doc.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My baby is all grown up

The Denver Aquarium is more fun every time we go. Alex made fish lips in front of the Rainbow Trout tank, and she said "MA-CAAAWWWW" to the Toucan. She's basically all grown up now.
Next thing I know, she'll be all,
"Hey Mama, can you not wear those pull-up pants when you pick me up from school? Oh, and don't EVER wear socks with your clogs...people are talking. Thanks."

October 14, 2008

Alex flashing gang signs. This picture was taken exactly 1 year ago today...holy smokes her legs were so skinny!

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's freeeeeeezing in Colorado

Winter is here. Put away your sundresses Virtual Friends, and gather your fuzzy coats and slippers.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

a 30 inch security blanket

So most kids become very attached to a blanket, or part of a blanket, or a little stuffed animal...Alex has become inseparable with the Incredible Hulk. This makes changing her diaper, changing her clothes, meal time and car rides difficult, but in the name of security (and potentially years of therapy for her), we shall adapt.

everything is just so cool

Alex has been having a hard time shutting her brain off at night. She has been renewing friendships with all of her stuffed animals, she has been cleared by the Doctor to eat EVERYTHING, she is learning new words, she loves dancing to music...just about everything in her day is soooooo darned exciting, she wants to tell us all about it into the wee hours of the evening.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Little Miss Talkuntilmidnight

Dear Little Miss Talkuntilmidnight,

Talking until the wee hours of the night is totally unacceptable until you get your first cell phone. I know your big, fat, brain is on overload with all of the new words you are learning, but are you sure it can't wait until morning? Yes, I am glad that you didn't cry until midnight, but your talking was interrupting the 47th time I've watched Top Gun. You're probably gonna learn some cool stuff EVERYDAY, AND I WANT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT, I am just making myself crazy trying to keep you healthy this winter. So tonight, after story time on the bed with Mommy, you can talk all you want in your dreams, and I will be here to listen to you in the morning. Deal?



Thanks Sally June

Sally June convinced me to spend a couple hours away from Alex today to enjoy the views at the top of Green Mountain. I used to know this mountain so well I could have ridden it with my eyes closed...oh wait, they are closed in this picture.
Oh yeah, the Softball Coach from the 80's called and wants her glasses back (I thought I would say it before my Virtual Friends had a chance to post their comments).
Thanks for the great ride today Sally.

sword practice for me tomorrow

This was a guy practicing with his swords at the top of the mountain today. I should have asked him if he needed a piece of tape, because he was ripped.
(Note to self: practicing with pretend swords will give self an amazing 6 pack and super-defined shoulders)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alex and Dora turned around

Look who turned her car seat around. Alex is so super psyched to be forward-facing in the car. Sometimes I look back at her and say, "I love you Alex", and she gives me the sweetest smile in the whole world.
Anyway, Alex and Dora are on their way to a Doctor's appointment for a 1 year check up. I always feel so guilty driving Alex to the Doctor when she has to get shots. She was extremely brave though.
Pertinent stats:
Weight 50%
Height 60%
Head Circumference 96% (We don't think she has a big head, she's just real confident.)

Alex loves the cats sooooooooo much

Here is just a little taste of what our cats endure on a daily basis. This full body tackle is 21.5 pounds of pure love. And don't feel bad for Bobby Bin Laden, charma works in many different ways.

paper shredder

We can cross the paper shredder off of our Christmas list, we now have Alex who happens to LOVE opening our mail.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

crop circle afro

Alex began her nap with straight hair, and woke up with an afro, I KID YOU NOT.
This is much like the crop circle phenomenon. I have no idea how an afro or crop circles are created WHILE WE SLEEP.

Funcle and the chicken

Funcle Travis came over for tickle-time with Alex. He brought a book titled, "Clara the Cow Gets a Cold", it's hi-larious. The chicken was seriously tuckered out after her exercise session with her Uncle.

Pumpkin Fest "09

Alex picked out her pumpkin with a little help from the K-Man, thanks buddy.

Minnie Mainella

Minnie was in town for a "1 night only showing". Minnie goes to an all-black college.
It was great to see her and all of our peeps.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

hi jack

Alex will stand at our front door and say, "Jack". Jack will stand at his front door and wave. Jack is the gentle little boy who lives directly across the street.

music class update

Music class is hilarious. ALEX WILL NOT COME NEAR ME. She only wants Danielle. This leaves me singing and dancing by myself while Danielle has 2 kids in her lap...very funny Alex.