Alex's vocabulary is as follows:
Mama = she calls almost everyone Mama
baba = bottle
apple = apple, or when she wants "up" onto something. She gets them confused.
wawa = water
yoyo = yogurt
happy = this means you must read her the "if you're happy and you know it book", or to sing her happy birthday
bapa = her grandpa keeley
shoe = shoe
E-I-E-I = sing her "old macdonald had a farm, eieio"
Rae = her 3 favorite dolls
Shrek = Shrek
pants like a dog = whenever she sees a dog
eye = eyeball
dotdog = hot dog
Jack = cute boy across the street
Most of her communication is sign language these days. We have a sign for every animal. It's not the CORRECT sign per se, but BFF and I know what she's talking about.