Friday, December 31, 2010

The 5 hour extrication

Alex's dollhouse fell right on top of "Bullseye the Lamb". We gathered only the strongest to help lift the house, Woody, Tiny Tiny Baby, Buzz Lightyear and Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl.
Those darn Fairies just sat around and talked about the horrible tragedy of the tornado.
Eventually he was freed, then the house landed on Woody, and so on, and so on, and so on and so on...

Ice Skating

Alex's friends ganged up on her and wrestled her into her ice skates.
She cried, and cried, and said, "Alex's shoes are too heavy. Alex no like ice skates."

So sad

Alex is sad. She absolutely REFUSED to wear her ice skates, but she wanted to go on the ice with her friends...dilemma for a 2 year old.
Don't worry Virtual Friends, Alex explained her situation to the box office, and we got our money back.


Santa brought plenty of gifts for Alex. She LOVED opening her Kriffus presents.

Finnley at the Vet

Mommy took Finnley to the Vet for her Strep test. Alex was very protective of her dog, but she managed to talk her through the procedure.

Potty training

The chicken is doing GREAT with potty training. She is also picking out her own outfits these days. I think this would be a perfect outfit for the Roller Derby.

Kind of a Big Deal

In case you didn't know, Alex is kind of a big deal.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You have got to be kidding me!

Virtual Friends, let me catch you up on what's been happening around here.
Yesterday Alex had a Doctor appointment to make sure the pneumonia was out of her lungs, and it was. But you know what we discovered?????
I'll bet you can guess. FREAKING STREP THROAT, AGAIN!
(Keep in mind, it is RARE for a kid under the age of 4 to get strep throat, let alone 5 times in 6 months.)
I absolutely came unglued when the Doctor broke the news to me. I will not expand on what that looked like, just use your emotional imagination.
So now what?
Mama and Mommy tested negative for Strep.
What next?
The dog is getting tested tomorrow (and I'm not even kidding).
Can I tell you how awkward it is to ask your friends and their kids to get tested when they exhibit no symptoms??? Extremely.
For now, the sleeping issue is on hold until our little monkey feels better.

This is a happy video that we made yesterday to Alex's favorite song, "I'm Yours".
Look at what Alex does when Jason Mraz sings, " up your mind and you will see".

Keep the "Kriff" in Kriffus

We went to see zoo lights the other night with the Keeley clan and K-Man. Alex will tell you that we saw the "Kriffus lights".

Monday, December 20, 2010

help us

In a desperate attempt to get Alex to sleep in her own bed again, BFF broke out the Aquarium Christmas present for her room.
Alex slept in our bed while she was sick, and now she REFUSES to sleep in her own bed again.
And believe me, we have tried. The first 3 nights we did the "cry-it-out method". By the third night, she cried for a total of 90 minutes. Sweating, crying, slobber, screaming...FOR NINETY MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!
We decided to wait until I was off for a few days to deal with it we are. Wish us luck. If you have ANY advice, it is welcomed, seriously, BRING IT, cuz nobody is sleeping well in this new arrangement.

our little decorator

The tree has been redecorated numerous times by our little assistant.
It looks simply AMAZING now.

Mickey and Minnie

When Mickey and Minnie Mouse get together, they can't keep their hands off each other.

Monday, December 13, 2010


2nd Annual Caption Contest!!!
Submit your caption in the comment section below by midnight on December 20th, and you might be the winner!

cookie decorating 2010

The Keeley's came over to help us decorate cookies. Alex likes to put A LOT of sprinkles on her cookies.
She has decorated cookies two nights in a row, and both mornings after, she has woken up and said, "Alex's tummy hurt."
Not surprising.


Getting ready for Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pneu fun

What's up with Alex?
Pneumonia, that's what. It's pneu fun for anyone.
The chicken's immune system was able to fight it with some uber-strong antibiotics and several baths.
She had a rough week, but has finally turned the corner.
Now it's time to decorate for Christmas!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hoho, Alex wants her present

Santa was ALSO at the firehouse this year!! When he came down the stairs, Alex said,
"Ho-Ho (that's what she calls Santa), Alex wants her present."
Alex was scared of him, but she graciously accepted the gift.

A little piece of Wyatt

Alex's friend Wyatt drooled in her Hello Kitty Music Box. He really loved it.

curly goodness

Alex, much like her Mama, does not like to make 2 trips when carrying items from one place to another.

Santa, K-man, Mommy and the chicken

BFF took the kiddos to the upscale Cherry Creek Mall to visit Santa. Apparently Santa falls asleep between kids. We think that's how he maintains his slow metabolism in the winter.