Alex and I went to the zoo today. Her days have been filled with either not feeling well, or visits to the doctor. You see, starting in September, Alex spiked a fever, then lost her appetite.
The fever came down, but she never really got her appetite back. So we took her to the Doctor, and low and behold...STREP.
This has happened 6 TIMES in 4 months. Yup, 6 rounds of antibiotics, and each time, the symptoms and culture comes back positive. Then she finishes the antibiotics, and a few days later, symptoms return. IT IS MADDENING!!!!!!
Alex cannot play like she normally does, because she feels bad. She can't hang out with her friends, because she has strep, she doesn't sleep well because she has a fever...on and on and on.
She's lost weight, and she doesn't even want to eat ice cream.
Fast forward to today. We are awaiting the results of another strep test, and if it is positive, Lord help me, she will go on her last round of antibiotics for 21 days (instead of the usual 10), then a tonsillectomy. If it is negative, we hope and we prey that she has kicked Strep's ass, for good.
I am a total trainwreck on the verge of tears at any moment. BFF is about the same.
But like our Pediatrician said, "Your daughter does not have Leukemia. This has a cure."
Please keep sending your good mojo and prayers our way (and coupons to the Betty Ford clinic if you have them).