Sunday, February 27, 2011

Little Juicer in rubber boots

I always think that if Alex takes part in the cooking, she's more likely to eat it. This is true for the first 2 bites

Paula the Parapro

Jessie got all saddled up on Peanutbuuuuuuuter tonight.
That's Paula in the purple next to her. Whenever Alex plays with her dolls, she always assigns Paula the role of "Teacher" to the other dolls. I think she's more of a Parapro, myself.

Friday, February 25, 2011

serious stuff

This is what Alex's face looked like as I explain that she can ONLY PICK OUT 1 TOY at the Zoo Gift Shop. She was all business.
After 30 minutes and 1 more trip to the potty, she picked a "flingo" (the direct translation is "flamingo"). As we were leaving the Gift Shop she was hugging it sooooo tight saying, "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!"

Potty genius

Potty training has been going fantastically well. We've had outings further and further away from the house, and Alex always rises to the occasion. I thought the zoo would be a challenge, but our little potty genius proved me wrong.


When Alex and Malochy get together, it's a lovefest.
They hug, and dance, and hold hands and hug some more.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No clothes Monday

According to Alex, President's Day is also "no clothes Monday".
Needless to say, we didn't leave the house.

oh snap

Hi, my name is Alex, and I wear big girl underwear (sometimes big boy underwear).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So proud of you Mama

Alex has been diaper free for 3 days now!!!!
Here she is admiring her work at the local Chipotle.
After she went, she kept hugging me saying, "I'm so proud of you Mama!!! I'm so proud of you Mama!!!"


So the logical thing to do next, was let Alex pick out 1 present at Walmart. She sifted through many toys, finally choosing the 8" Tinkerbell and the "GO, Diego GO!" underwear.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

She's back

I'm going to enroll Alex in some activities now that she's feeling better. Today she said that she wanted to go to gymnastics, but she didn't want Ms. Kim to tickle her toes.
Funny story. Alex woke up with a stuffy nose yesterday, and she said, "Mama, I want to go to the Toy Store and get a new nose."

Fire boots

The Meltdown has been waaaaaay more fun than the Ice Age.
All of us kids put on our fire boots and made a levee.
As you can guess, Alex fell, and she was a real sloppy's such a buzz kill when your clothes get soaked with icy, snowy water.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Alex has picked Codie to be her Valentine.
Who is your Valentine?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Clearing the deck

The weather here in Colorado has been wicked cold. We have made countless forts, we have baked, we have watched movies, we have played dollies, and WE HAVE CABIN FEVER, REAL BAD. So we braved the elements and went to Bapa and Nana's house for the day. We played fooze ball, we made a snow fort with a tunnel, we had lunch, then we cleared off the deck to relax in the hot tub, it was fantastic.

Bapa and Nana's pool

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. The hot tub felt SO GOOD.
We had a great day at Bapa and Nana's house!

Alex's photo #1

Alex is learning how to take pictures with my camera. This is one of her best. It really captures how she sees me, from her perspective.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rosie's magic

The dreadlocks are gone. The chicken had to endure a haircut today. When we walked in to the salon, Alex immediately started crying, she wouldn't let me put her down, she hid in my chest for about 15 minutes. Then "Rosie" worked her magic. By the end of the cut, Rosie was holding Alex, showing her around the store, and telling her to smile for Mama's pictures...unbelieveable.

winter training

I had Alex out training today for her first bike race. She's got to learn to go a little deeper in the pain cave than she's used to.

Grandma Sussa

Grandma Sussa is in town right now and Alex has been having fun with her.

Hi, I'm 2, and I have mood swings

When the snow is too deep, Alex gets real frustrated that she can't walk (not to mention, it was only 7 degrees outside).

Monday, February 7, 2011

come on buddies

Uncle Fester and Mickey Mouse were the chosen ones today to join us in the snow.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Hammock on the gulf

Alex is going to do great on the Gulf of Mexico in April...mmmmmmmm
That sounds delicious right about now in this -7 degree weather.
Bring it!

Can I get a Hell Yeah?!