Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Make your own caption

Make your own caption. This is a picture of Alex reloading the gun at the Firehouse.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

slave labor

The kids came to the Firehouse on Easter, and we showed them how to properly wash our cars.

Little Firefighter

My little Firefighter.

good team

BFF took Baby Bear to her 2nd Easter Egg Hunt. Her buddy Arlo, did the hunting, then he would bring them to Alex, while she stood with her basket and counted eggs. They made a good team.
Check out the lady behind Arlo and Alex. I was so proud of BFF after she took this.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Don't take my cough

Baby Bear (Alex still insists that we call her this) gave us a real scare the other night. She woke up with a cold, then as the day progressed, it became worse. Finally by 7:30 pm, she was having difficulty speaking and breathing at the same time. And anyone that's met Baby Bear, knows that speaking is her gift to the universe and she MUST SHARE HER EVERY THOUGHT.
We rushed her into the Urgent Care, they very quickly decided that Baby Bear should go to the Emergency Room, LIKE NOW. They offered to call us an ambulance, but being an Ambulance driver for a living, I decided that driving ourselves would be quicker.
When we arrived at the ER, the waiting room was packed! We walked up to the counter, and I hysterically said, "Alex is having trouble breathing, Urgent Care sent us because she has a Pulse Ox of 85%, she's getting tired from struggling to breathe."

Needless to say, they took us immediately, where a Respiratory Therapist met us in the room and gave Baby Bear a breathing treatment and an oral steroid for "Croup".

I think it's important to mention that Baby Bear could barely speak, but she told every Doctor and Nurse, "I (breathe) want to (breathe) keep (breathe) my (breathe) cough." She really liked her cough, and she didn't want the Doctors to take it away.
We got out of the "HOPSITAAL" around midnight, and had a restless night.
Baby Bear is breathing much better, but the "Decadron" (oral steroid that sounds bad ass) has made her very aggravated and hyper.

Thankfully, I have been able to stay home from work, and now the Croup, has turned into a bad cold...whew, parenting is stressful.

torture for Uncle T

Alex is showing Uncle T how she is real good at scratching backs. She uses 1 nail, in the same spot, over and over and over and over. Then she says, "...feel good? Dat feel good?"

Boys for dinner

Jim Ticconi and Uncle T came over for dinner. BFF made a real feast of pork roast, potatoes and asparagus. It was fun to have boys over. They love hot sauce and meat.

Happy 2 and 3 months Dottie and Spot

Alex woke up and said, "It's Dottie and Spot's birthday today! Let's make them a cake!"
Me: How old are they?
Alex: They are 2 and 3 months

Friday, April 15, 2011


JUMPSTREET!!!!! Can you see Baby Bear's mouth open from her screaming in utter delight?
I told her that we were only going to stay for an hour, on a counta our day was sooo busy, and we both needed some rest. 2 and 1/2 hours later...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Are there any publishers out there?

OK, I know I am a proud Mama...
Alex took this photo, and I think it could go into a photography book! That kid is amazing.

Uber Fun!

The Gulf of Mexico sure was fun!
Back to work Debbie Downer...

Turtle Rodeo

This is the turtle rodeo, so hang on tight.
Alex was laughing so freaking hard, it was hilarious!

Bathing beauty

I didn't think that foil would enhance Alex's already amazing tan, but it sure did.


Alex sure enjoyed hanging out with her Grandma. In this picture, Grandma is telling the story of the 3 little pigs with her old Kindergarten felt figurines.

Friday, April 8, 2011

No grumpies

Everyday is a good day here on Siesta Key.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Our little nose picker was AMAZING on the airplane on the way to the Gulf of Mexico.
When we landed, she hugged us both and said, "I'm so proud of you Mama and Mommy!"

Calendar girl

I asked Alex to please model her new swim suit. This type of behavior is clearly not from my gene pool, she is a natural.

Great Mimi's feet are HUGE!

Great Mimi is lucky enough to play the role of Lamb, while Alex (actually she has insisted for 1 week now that everyone refer to her as, "Baby Bear") plays the role of Whale and Max.

circa 1980

"Flock of Seagulls" called, they want their haircuts back.

Yoga on the beach

Leigh and I are in the running for Mothers of Year. We just wanted to make sure that Alex gets a good base tan before we pull out the sheet pans for some real good color on her skin.