Monday, May 30, 2011


Applying makeup to Barbie. Look at Alex's right cheek, nice work with the brown eyeshadow kid.

"Nothing. I'm doing nothing."

Tell me readers, is this the correct use of this particular makeup? Leigh and I are good mothers, but we can't possibly teach her EVERYTHING.
Right before we shot this video, I said, "Alex, lets move the Barbies out of the way so that we have room for makeup."
Are you kidding me? Did that really just come out of my mouth?

Monday, May 16, 2011

So proud to take care of Buddy

Sistra Angela graduated from High School this week, and Bapa and Nana threw her a party. Here is Bapa (soon to be empty nester) checking out Alex's new friend, Buddy.
Buddy is sistra Joyce's dog, but she is going to Africa for a year and needs someone to take care of him. Alex feels very proud to have such a great responsibility.
I should have taken before and after photos of Alex. This picture was taken shortly after arriving at the party, in her pretty dress with her pulled back nice and neat. By the end of the party, the dress was unbuttoned, her hair was craaaaaazy, and she had pants on under her dress.

Are there any girls out there?

Alex's friends came over and BFF had a craft planned, to paint flower pots. Baby Bear painted the inside of her pot...very eclectic I think.
All of Alex's friends happen to be boys, which makes for a smelly basement after they leave, but we love having them over!

No Prob

This time, Baby Bear's haircut was no problem. She assumed the position in the Firetruck, picked out her sucker, and let Miss Rosie cut her hair.
We have to keep control of her hair by cutting it every few months so that I'm not accused of brushing it with a balloon every morning.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

water balloons and naked booty

So this is what we do almost every day if the sun is shining.
We fill up the baby pool in the back yard, Baby Bear gets naked, and we make water balloons.
We are soooooo happy that nice weather is here!

a rare photo

This is a rare photo, so I thought I would post it. I went for a mountain bike ride with Billy Rae! Check out my Lunch Lady arms. We sure did have fun, despite the fact that Billy Rae was hung over, and I was up most of the previous night at work.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers' Day

Happy Mothers' Day! (sent in by a viewer)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day!

This is a card and a rock that Alex is making Mommy for Mother's Day. She is so easy to do crafts with, because she is so neat. She doesn't like the paint to mix too much, and she keeps it on the paper. All of her friends are boys, and they are not so neat. It is a total HazMat scene when we are done baking, or playing with PlayDough, or painting.

"Mama, my hands get dirty!!!!"

Alex DOES NOT like it when her hands get dirty or messy. When she would get paint on her hands, she would run to the sink and wash it off immediately.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The Denver Botanical Gardens has brought their game to a new level. They now have a garden area just for kids. It actually sits on top of a parking garage. There is a chlorinated river to play in, a huge sandbox, and an upper area that is filled with stuffed animals and "secret caves".
The stuffed animals are Alex's favorite. (Alex's baby dolls have been moved to the JV team, and her stuffed animals are ALL starters on the Varsity team.)

On another note, Alex has been asking, "What's MY Daddy's name?" "Where is MY Daddy?" "Is my Daddy at work?"
We have been answering these questions with, "You have a Mama and a Mommy. Some kids have a Daddy and a Mommy, some kids only have a Grandma, some only have a Daddy...etc."
Our response was OK for a while, but now, SHE WANTS ANSWERS AND SHE WANTS A NAME.

I am in the market for some books. Do my Virtual Friends have any suggestions?