Wow. You've never been this old in your entire life. It's been 3 months since this picture was taken. And by the way, this is how you came into this world. First your head came out, then your right arm, and you took a minute to just look around while giving us the power solute.
Welcome baby Hulk!
You have grown up soooooo much Alex.
Just in the last three days, you've started reaching for stuff and putting it in your mouth. And you are real chatty, especially in the mornings. It's like you have to fill me in on what happened in our 8 hours away from each other. You are so serious when you explain all of this to me.
"Playtime" has taken on a whole new meaning for you. You love making faces at your mommy and me. Thankfully we are still your favorite toys.
You are cool with taking a nap as long as it is in the comfort of our arms. Sometimes I try and put you down for the rest of your nap. But when you go to sleep in one place and wake up in another, it scares the poo out of you (literally). You've reached new heights up your back. I'm guessing it comes out 400-500 psi.
On another note, I was thinking, you should totally enter some burping contests in college. (Sometimes I wonder if God screwed up and made my breastmilk carbonated.)
You are very independent already. You rarely cry to be held or comforted. Mostly you cry for your freedom. If I've held you too long and loved you too close. You need your alone time and you're not afraid to let us know. You also cry when you've been fighting to keep your eyes open for too long because you don't want to miss anything fun.
Oh yeah, and when you get hungry, it hits you in like a nanosecond.
3 months was supposed to mark the time when I was going to start piecing my life back together. I talked about how I was going to start riding my bike again, and maybe get in a few ski days. I bragged that I was going to be excited to get back to work, and that I would probably want some time away. I was going to start working spicy foods back into my diet, and drinking my bodyweight in beer, BECAUSE I CAN.
The truth is, I love my time with you. I don't want to ride my own bike, I want to teach you how to ride yours. And I want to stick your little paws in the snow, and talk about how we're going to go skiing together someday. When I arrived at my first day at work, it looked like I had been socked in both of my eyes. 24 hours away?!!...what if I miss something? Or worse, what if you DON'T miss me? But we both made it, and we are still in love.
Actually I do still miss beer.
Alex, BFF really wants to get you a dog that you can grow up with. I would like to propose a different idea. How about a Sea Turtle or a Parrot? I hear they can live up to 100 years. That way you would never have to experience the loss of a love. Genius I think.
As much as I want to keep you in a safety bubble, I know you'll never learn to crawl if I don't put you down every now and then. So keep on growing, I can take it Alex.
Happy 12 weeks!
1 comment:
Dee Dee says- a masterful writing job, Kendra! I so love your blogs and can't wait until I can see that cutie for real again!!!!!
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