Monday, September 21, 2009

Gender neutral toys

This is an attempt by 2 Moms to create gender neutral toys. As you can see, we have positioned "Dora" and "Grocery Store Nelly" on a Firetruck. Dora is on the ladder, and Grocery Store Nelly is on the hose bed. Alex pushes this around and makes the sound of a truck with her lips.
(I bought that Puritan-looking doll at the grocery store one day, and affectionately call her Nelly cuz I think she looks like that real mean girl from Little House on the Prairie named Nelly Olsen.)


MEGrattan said...

OMG...I SO hated Nelly Olsen from Little House on the Prarie! You give her some good PR with a cute doll like that!

LOVE, Love, love the new photo of you and Leigh with Alex...I know how camera shy Leigh is...fine job in getting her on the "cover"!

Love to all~

Maureen said...

LOVE the new photo on your page. You and BFF has such joy and love on your faces. And your little toot Alex....forget about it! So damn cute. She's a keeper for sure.