Wednesday, July 29, 2009

don't look him in the eye...

Alex is totally playing it cool in front of her boyfriend Wyatt. They've known each other since conception pretty much.

Bald for your brother

This here is a fundraiser called, "BALD FOR YOUR BROTHER". For $20 you got a head shave, a burger, and a beer, and a chance to help out a Firefighter in need. Big A and I had a lot of fun at said event.


If only I could think of a practical joke to play on these "brothers" of mine...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Come on Annie...for real

Dear Vitamin Cottage employees:
I am here to tell you, Alex was seriously disgruntled that these Cheddar Bunnies are not made for her people. Could you please contact "Annie" and request some easily dissolvable Cheddar Bunnies? (And she would prefer they be in the shape of a cow.) She would also like an Annie's meat lover's pizza.

Thank you in advance,

little tiny book and big choppers

Alex loves this little tiny book that her Great Mimi gave to her. Check out those bottom choppers, they can draw blood, just ask us.

Dora the Explora

We took Alex biking in her Super Deluxe Stroller 2000. She had a firm grip on her Dora the Explorer ball the whole ride. It was too hot to pull the plastic down over her, so we just pulled the screen down. When we finished with the ride, she was COVERED in tiny specs of dirt. Yet another example of our extreme rookieness to parenthood.


Alex talked her way through our hike. She was CONSTANTLY pointing and saying "Dat".
She also passed the time by pinching my lunch-lady arms. It was quite painful, but I let her do it on a counta I love her.


The hanging high chair came in real handy this weekend. Our little buddy won that pinwheel at the Farmer's Market, she wouldn't put it down, NO MATTER WHAT.

mmm peaches!

I know it looks like I'm making love to this peach, Palisade Peaches are just that good folks.

Our little road tripper

Flat tires aren't usually a big deal unless you're stuck in traffic on the Interstate in the pouring rain with a baby and a nut case for a Mama (Me, not BFF).
Enough about that, Alex is going to be a fantastic "Road Tripper". She loves to snack, sleep, and sing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jesus candles 2009

We've been with out the Information Super Highway for a couple of days now. Actually, we've been without power. We experienced the most amazing lightning/wind/hail/rain storm that I've ever lived through. And then once it all calmed down, which was around midnight, the tornado sirens came on, along with that uber creepy voice that calmly says, "SEEK SHELTER.
Needless to say, we've been huddled around the Jesus candles for 2 days now. I can't count how many friggin times I've walked into a dark room and flicked on the light switch to no avail. The universe has such an interesting sense of humor.

Funcle T-rav

Alex is showing her Funcle T-rav something real important. (I love the shirt Alex has on.)

Thought for the day

Hmmmmm. Thought for the day.
If you're over 18, click on the picture and ponder with me...

Tag is way more fun than the swing

The chicken and I went to the park the other day, and it seems as though the swings are getting boring for Alex. She much preferred to stand here, like such, and watch the older kids play tag.
She did this, with those eyes, for a good 20 minutes.

This one's for you Becca

Cousin Becca, this one's for you. The resemblance is uncanny.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Alex takes driving very seriously.  


Alex is demonstrating sign language for cheese.  (You squish your palms together.)  

pink duck

The only thing that could possibly make bath time more fun is the biggest pink duck ever.
Actually, Alex has become very hard to contain during bath time.  She is dangerously mobile in the bath tub, and so far, the pink duck seems to help.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I hope you learned...

Alex, let this be a good hard lesson to you young lady.  An "all-dayer" comes with a price the next day.  I hope you learned your lesson.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We weren't going to go to this free concert in the park today because it was during Alex's scheduled nap time... she had a different idea though.  Party girl pulled an "all-dayer" today.  I tried every trick in the book to get her to nap.  Each time I would go into her room after 15 minutes of silence, I would find her standing up in her crib beaming with pride.  She wasn't talking, or crying, or moving, JUST STANDING.  So I put her in the car and we went to the park for interactive music hour.  This musician sang a song about a guy who's head was made of cheese, and his arms were ham, and his legs were granola.  Alex and I got hungry and left.  The afternoon nap hour was eerily similar to the morning nap time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

butterfly tattoo

I came home from work and found a tattoo on Alex's arm (click to enlarge the picture). I hope that is the only time I have to say that sentence.

It's hard to take you seriously in a duck robe Alex

Chicken looks real serious in her Hugh Heff robe after swimming.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Have a cow!

Guess who got a cow?  
Just try and get through the grocery store with this kid and NOT buy a balloon.  This particular cow balloon was in the meat section above the frozen cuts of beef.  Alex went bananas when she saw it!  In fact, a lady in the checkout line said to me, "I knew you'd get her that cow balloon."
Well lady, Alex knew it too.

Crawling fo real yo!

BFF called me at work the other night and told me that Alex was crawling for real this time.  I was tempted to tell BFF to kick her over so that I wouldn't miss it, but really, I was just sooo proud of her!  Now, she's on the move and it's cute how unsteady she is.


Alex's tongue helps her concentrate.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

you brush your teeth...chchchchchchchchchssshshhhh

This kid's got 6 choppers, so we figured we start her early on the brushing.  The only way she'll show you her teeth is if you hang her by her feet and make her laugh, she's still real private.

Dear 6 lb 2 oz baby Jesus in a manger...

"Dear sweet baby Jesus (we just watched Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby), please tell my Mama and my Mommy to please get me a cow and a dog.  Amen."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Paw to Paw

Alex thinks Wrigley is a cow, and she hearts cows.

power napper

I think it's super cute how kids always sleep with their knees tucked up under them like this.
Alex is a really efficient napper.  What usually takes kids 2 hours, she can get done in 45 minutes.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Alex has the best laugh in the whole world. Just try and watch this video with out smiling...
(This video is from a month ago, but her laugh hasn't changed.)


Peek-a-boo with Alex is hilarious.  Here she is trying to cover her eyes.  

Getting closer...

Getting closer...

Got it!

Got it!  Nice shot this time!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

$2 Tuesdays at the pool

2 dollar Tuesdays at the pool are the greatest.  She's gonna love it when she's bigger, cuz they have a snack bar with all sorts of sugar and hydrogenated oils.  I know that some of Alex's family members are concerned that maybe, just maybe, she's not getting near enough preservatives or trans fats in her diet.  That should change when we hit the snack bar like there's no tomorrow. 

9 month appointment

Alex has been real cuddly lately because her teeth are bothering her.  Here she is at the Doctor's office with Mommy.

Pertinent Stats:
Height: 50% 18lbs 8 oz
Weight: 50% 27"
Head Circumference: 90%
Cuddle time with Alex:  priceless


Here is proof that Alex's head circumference is in the 90%.  This hat fit her 2 weeks ago.