Monday, August 31, 2009

September of 2009

September of 2009.

September of 2008

September of 2008.

Alex and her BFF's

Alex and her BFF's who live next door. That little girl is a total work horse. She's carrying at least half of her body weight on her back because her little brother wanted to do what Alex was doing.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The offspring

All of my siblings are in this pic. Angela, Joyce and Funcle (Fun Uncle) Travis. Joyce leaves for Seattle tomorrow for her freshman year of college. We're gonna miss you Joyce.

Hi Nana

From the left: Nana, Alex, Joyce, Jamie, Angela and Ethan.
Nana is one of the words that Alex LOVES to say. Her fav right now is "HI. HI. HI. HI. HI."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

feel the beat

I'd like to give a "Holla" to Petite Musicians, they put on a rockin' music class for kids of all ages. Alex LOVED it! She danced in her own special way which was hilarious to me.

"Mama, where do babies come from?"

I was trying to teach Alex where babies come from using some visual aids.
"You see Alex, when a woman and a woman love each other VERY MUCH..."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


When the chicken laughs, it's like someone is wringing every last giggle out of her lungs, sit back and enjoy.
Also, check out those choppers up close...they're sharp, just ask my shoulder.

Thanks peeps

Don't worry readers, you can't catch TB over the internets. I'm negative anyway. Turns out, I'm allergic to whatever it is they inject under your skin. Thanks for your support peeps.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Gang

The gang.
(From the left) Joe, Jon, the Chicken, Leigh and Vinnie.
It was fun boys. Good luck getting up 6 hours earlier than you have all summer in order to make your 1st period class.

The gift

We had to get Vinnie up at the crack of 11:30. Teenagers have the gift of sleep.

armpit farts

Alex had 2 parties in as many days. They were both for her 1 year old friends. Partygirl had a bit of a meltdown when we took Mama's beer away from her at Jack's party. Aidan had to make armpit farts to get her to stop crying.


Oh yeah, she can totally make this car go by herself now. She's just not a real good driver yet.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Curly haired helper

Our little curly-haired kid loves to unload the dishwasher. She unloads the dishes onto the floor and then bangs them together.

Dora the dolly

Look who got a dolly!
Alex really likes her Dora the Explorer doll. When it arrived in the mail, she sat on her bum holding Dora and twirled in circles giggling.
Thanks Grandma Sunshine.

what the?

This little TB skin test caused quite the racket at work yesterday. I tried to put my mind at ease by googling images of positive TB skin tests. They all looked eerily similar to the above picture.
TO DO LIST for Friday:
Grocery store to buy milk
Cut the grass
Chest X-Ray for pesky Tuberculosis

Michigan cousins

Alex's cousins are in town this week from Michigan. Here she is showing Joe how to text.

swimming with the sharks

Alex's cousins got to swim with the sharks the other day at the Aquarium.
Here is Vinnie (aka Chum).

Blah blah blah

All of the kids in the neighborhood decided to go for a bike ride at the same time the other day.

Pat the Bunny

Can you see what Alex is doing in her little stroller? Well she's reading Pat the Bunny of course!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Are teeth really that necessary?

Are teeth really that necessary? The skull and crossbones shirt that she's wearing is reflective of her mood lately. "STAY AWAY, DANGER."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

neighborhood helpers

We wave to the Mail carrier every day, and we wave to the trash truck guys on Tuesdays. Yesterday we watched a digger pull a Cottonwood tree out of the ditch. Being a kid sure is fun.


Tomorrow I'm going to teach her how to make a "coodie catcher".

strong baby

After the Pageant is over, I'm gonna enter Alex in the "Strong baby" competition. She loves hauling around heavy objects and making grunting noises while doing so.

So you want a brother?

This kid loves the cell phone. She could play with it ALL DAY LONG. Remember how I told you that she's been calling people in my phone book? Well, she called the Sperm Bank (aka spankbank) the other day. SWEET. Yet another example of the Universe's odd sense of humor.
As soon as I realized that we were connected, I was all, "...yeah, it worked. We're probably not going to order up another one though. You can see we've got our hands full. Thanks, bye."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ojo a ojo with the cow

Alex and I took a field trip to the Littleton Museum today. It was waaaaay better than the zoo for her, she was ojo a ojo with the farm animals. Alex and I thought it was real funny when the cow was scratching his nose on the fence post.

Gangsta goat

There was some drama at the museum because this goat escaped and was making gang signs at the turkeys.

picnic in the shade

We finished our trip to the farm with a picnic. In honor of all the animals, we had hotdogs.

Curly shampoo mohawk

Bath time!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Breakfast food playground

So I realize that I took some real lame pictures today...let me explain. We went to the mall so that Alex could play in the kid's land that is made up of squishy breakfast foods. IT WAS INTENSE. I simply could not create a safety bubble big enough to keep her safe from the millions of kids jumping from food to food. There was no time to be snapping pictures because I was too busy "stiff-arming" 3 year olds.
Nuff said.
Anywho, here she is pictured with the E-Coli Strawberry and the Hep B Banana slice. (Not pictured is the Swine Waffle, with butter.)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do you speak whale?

Alex had a playdate at the Aquarium today. She loved the heck out of this whale shark. I think I'm gonna look for one on Craigslist. This picture reminds me of that scene in Finding Nemo where Dori spoke whale.


Hanging on the shark.

the Tribal people

Sam is one of Alex's boyfriends, he can walk...FAST. I kept calling him "little bruiser" cuz he just looks like a tough little boy. He was VERY interested in Alex's hair. It reminded me of how the Tribal people act when they see a white person for the first time.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm listening to you Alex

This is pretty much our first "mother-daughter" talk, I think it went pretty well.

notsocreepyclown Rosie Red Cheeks

Alex and I went to the Library today to collect the book that she earned after 2 months of a rigid reading schedule. Turns out, there are a lot of accomplished readers in the Golden area.
This is "Rosie Red Cheeks" the clown. She wasn't creepy like most clowns. Although I did find it odd that she spoke to me in her silly clown voice when I was just trying to make conversation. (And you can tell by the pic that she's a close-talker.)

I feel your pain

Virtual Friends, meet Lori's knees.
Lori has a little chicken 6 weeks younger than Alex, and just like us, Lori has wooden floors in her house. Parenting can be so painful.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Um, phone is for you...

Um, the phone is for you.
Virtual friends, heed the warning...if your number is programmed into my cell phone, you can expect to receive a prank call from Alex. She has been dialing people the last few days (without my knowledge) then hanging up on them.

I'm hiding Mama

Alex brought her book, her toaster and her cat Codie into her hiding place with her.