Monday, September 28, 2009

That's silly Ms. Leslie

BFF and Grandma were able to come to story time at the Library today. The Librarian, Ms. Leslie, asked if BFF and I were sisters.
You're silly Ms. Leslie.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

no turnin' back now

1st birthday cake. With the introduction of sugar, life has officially begun.

Hello Paparazzi

The Paparazzi was in full effect last night.

there's no crying at birthdays

I think Alex loved her cake so much, it brought her to tears.

bath rentals

These bath toys are rentals, her pink duck is gonna be empty for a few days until the next shipment comes in. Do you suppose Alex is going to have attachment issues? hmmmmmm


Alex and her Grandpa Franco.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Um... uh oh

Um, UH OH. This kid can climb, like it's her job.

new playground

The chicken loves her new craigslist playground.


Alex turns 1 on Monday. Today in the mail, she got barrettes from her Great Mimi, and a special note from her Detroit peeps, Aunty Netty and Michelle.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gender neutral toys

This is an attempt by 2 Moms to create gender neutral toys. As you can see, we have positioned "Dora" and "Grocery Store Nelly" on a Firetruck. Dora is on the ladder, and Grocery Store Nelly is on the hose bed. Alex pushes this around and makes the sound of a truck with her lips.
(I bought that Puritan-looking doll at the grocery store one day, and affectionately call her Nelly cuz I think she looks like that real mean girl from Little House on the Prairie named Nelly Olsen.)

Life has not been the same since Mac n' Cheese

Life for the chicken has not been the same since her lips touched Mac n' Cheese. She can really strap on the feedbag when those little orange noodles are in front of her.

What's up Hollywood?

Hollywood called, they want their glasses back.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thanks Carousel Lady!

Dear Carousel Lady,
Thank you sooooo much for letting us stay on for a second ride (for free). Alex was pretty upset when the music stopped, and we had to peel her little fingers off of the snow leopard and tell her the ride was over.


Thanks Melanie

Thanks Uncle Melanie! We had a great day at the zoo, and Alex loves her Anaconda. Now she crawls around the house and sounds like she has a leak.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Alex hearts Bosley

We had a playdate with the kid across the street today. ALEX DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE. Alex loves their dog, Bosley. Here she is, at their door, pining for Bosley's love. I really wanted y'all to hear to the inflection in her voice when she says "HI" to a dog. It's much different than her human "HI".

a case of the giggles

Sorry for the motion sickness, we were on the swing when Alex got a case of the giggles.


Alex has a cut on her toe that needed a band aid, a "Diego" band aid. We're also still working on the tooth brushing concept.

Too close you think?

How close is too close exactly? This is right where Alex wanted to watch her Baby Einstein program.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Kids are hilarious. Alex and I were taking a nap this afternoon when we were awoken by the neighbor kid (Alex's BFF, he's 3 years old). He wanted her to come and play. So this funny kid stood at our back fence and yelled at the top of his lungs, seriously, as loud as he could, "AAAAAAA-LEX! AAAAAA-LLLEX! AAAAAAA-LLLLLEX!"
When Alex opened her eyes and heard her little buddy, she couldn't get out the door fast enough, she was trembling she was so excited.

Oh the sweet taste of Victory

We don't let Alex touch the remote controls, because one time she switched the settings on our highly complex stereo system, and we didn't have volume for over a week. Somehow, she managed to find this remote, and you can see the sweet taste of VICTORY in her eyes. And she has superhuman grip strength when there's something she wants.
(This video is actually from about a month ago, I don't have any new pictures to show y'all today.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Arrrrrgggh, I'm a Pirate

I missed baby story time today, but we made it on time for toddler time. The theme of story time was "hats", so we got to make Pirate hats.
The Librarian put Alex's hat on, and I was all, "Oh, she's not gonna keep that on very long."
She proved me wrong for the next 30 minutes. AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHH!
Oh yeah, this kid LOVES to carry around crayons. She won't go anywhere with out them for like the past week or so.


We went to the Littleton Museum again cuz they have animals and it's free. This Ram reminded me of America's Funniest Home Videos where the Ram came up behind the unsuspecting videographer and "rammed" into the fence with all of its might. I can't wait until I can watch that show with Alex and laugh until we puke.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New cars for everyone!

Now the whole family has new cars! Oh yeah, and Alex got a house.

Hooray for music class!

10 weeks of intensive music class hath begun. Egos and inhibitions not welcome.
(It looks like I had to blur out the ladies' butt behind me for some reason, but it's actually just dust on the lens.)

We'll miss you Pretty Lady!

Here's Pretty Lady carrying all the beer for us on the cruiser.
Our friend Pretty Lady has been staying with us until she moves out to San Diego.
She and Dawn the Great are making the drive SKIRTS AND DRESSES, because, and I quote, "...they're just so comfortable."
This is soooooo not the road trip uniform of my people.

Monday, September 7, 2009


This slide was the best thing EVER. Alex could have gone down this thing 50 million times, seriously, 50 MILLION TIMES.

Slipper season

Alex was rifling through all of her shoes in her closet today. Thank goodness her slippers still fit, it's almost slipper season.

An entire banana

Alex ate an entire banana for a snack today. I don't know where she's putting all this food.

Summer's over

Summer's over. Say la summer.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The girls

"Go brave Mommy!"

Alex and I were watching brave Mommy weather the rapids and the freezing water.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The no-petting farm

We had a playdate at the Belleview Farms today with Alex's friend Sam, and her new friend Ellie. Only, we wouldn't let the kids touch the animals.
Those sheep would have never seen Alex coming. She would have snuck up on them, and pulled their wool right off their skin. Just ask our cat Bobby Bin Laden.

Stella the Swine

Sorry they named the flu after you Stella.

Lion Pride

I let Alex hold onto the "golden ticket" while we were waiting in line for the LION PRIDE.
When we reached the front of the line, no ticket. Thankfully this wasn't the Conductor's first day on the job, he's seen these types of shenanigans before.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday trash day

Trash days are a blast.

The talent was on the move

"The talent" was extremely restless today during her 11 month photo shoot with the Hulk. This girl is on the move. I have about a dozen more pics like these.
Today she was sitting in the hallway being suspiciously quiet for a couple of minutes while I did something in the kitchen. I came around the corner to find her in the bathroom with both of her arms stuck in the toilet playing in the water. She totally knows that I'm a rookie and she plays me like a fiddle.