Tuesday, September 28, 2010

zoo day

Grandma is in town for Alex's birthday. We all took a trip to the zoo.
If you ask Alex about her day at the zoo, she'll tell you that she fed EVERY animal that she saw.
"I feed giraffe. I feed peacock. I feed rino-rirus. I feed sea lion."

Alex has the need for speed

Uncle Travis took the kids on a wagon ride around the yard. (I'm looking into having airbags and a 5-point harness system installed in the wagon.)
The Birthday party was super fun. Kids, pizza, cake and presents...what else do you need?

I'm 2 today!

Happy Birthday chicken!
We've been singing the Happy Birthday song to Alex for a week now. She loves it. Only when she sings the song, it sounds like she's saying, "...happy headache to you, happy headache to you..."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

pony ride

So I signed Alex up for a pony ride.
She was soooo excited....excited to put on the helmet that is.
Even Cowboy Bob couldn't convince Alex to go for a ride on Blueberry. The people were very nice and let us hang around and feed, brush, and even clean the horses shoes!
Here's a picture of Alex petting Blueberry and Gluestick (can't remember his real name, but that's usually the type of horse that I get when I go on a horseback ride).

brushing Sadie

Alex got to brush a horse named Sadie. You can see that she's got her work cut out for her (Sadie needs a bath I think).

Look at my underwear!

Look who is wearing big girl/boy underwear!
That's right, after 4 days of potty boot camp, Alex is doing very well.
We are still occasionally using diapers, and probably will for quite a while, but she's off to a GREAT start!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

our little Baker

Alex is real confident in her answer to me..."FLOUR. FLOUR."
Despite over mixing the batter, the bread was still delicious.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The kids are hungry!

Lunch break with Sam. He really worked up a sweat running around the park. Alex spent her time finding various objects to hang from.

Thanks Sam!

Sam was so kind to share his scooter with Alex.
I was trying to teach her the proper technique, as demonstrated earlier by Sam himself.

me and scoot

This is how Alex preferred to spend time with the scooter. She called it, "...holding scooter's hand."
She would talk to it as she was pushing it, saying things like,"come on scooter" and "good job" and "watch out Sam".

nice face

I love the face that Alex is making.
I was taking Fester, SyRae and the chicken for a ride in the wagon.
Alex is also wearing her new necklace, given to her by her Aunty L, and cousin Vicky. It's a necklace of 3 babies wrapped up in blankets...she LOVES it.

real close

Alex is checking out my new camera.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

crack up

I don't have much to say about this photo, other than, this kid still cracks me up.

"Hi Bear!"

This is a 15 foot stuffed bear at the Gift Shop at the Denver Zoo.
If Alex saw a real bear in the woods, she would totally give it a great big hug.


This is Alex in our bed.
From the left: doll SyRae, Hulk, Peanut Buuuuuuter (horse).
She was very particular about having Peanut Buuuuuuter's head ON the pillow. (There are also some friends not pictured.)


Alex calls this her "backpack", and she wears it everywhere.

Monday, September 13, 2010


This is what 343 firefighters looks like (the number of FFs that died on 911).
We are all getting ready to honor the fallen heroes of 911 by climbing 110 flights of stairs.

Floor 75

In the stairwell on the 75th of 110 floors...almost there.

We made it!

This is a picture from the rooftop.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Uncle Fester

Alex poses for pictures now...CHEEEEEESE!
That's Uncle Fester in the baby carraige, he's been coming with us a lot of places lately. Alex picked him out at the Goodwill cuz she liked how he could suck his thumb.

Clear Creek

The river looked inviting, so Alex, Fester and I headed down to the beach.

tuff girl

Eventually all her clothes were off. This kid DOES NOT mind the cold water, and let me tell you, it was "mountain snow runoff cold".

1 year ago today...

Still one of my favorite pictures of the chicken.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Little chicken

Alex loves her hats.
Know what else she loves? Playing with my camera, that's what.
RIP Sony Cybershot, it's been a good run.
Hello to the bombproof (read toddler proof) new camera.
Hang in there Virtual Friends...I may be digging in the archives for upcoming blog posts until the new camera arrives.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bieber Fever?

Do you have Bieber Fever?
If you do, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Apparently there's a website dedicated to my people, Lebanese with Bieber haircuts.
I am honored.

Justin Bieber


We go to a gym that trains robot-like, little girls and boys (with Russian names), for the OLYMPICS. Most of these kids are home-schooled in order to accomodate their training.
I don't see Alex heading down that path, but she sure can hang. She performs this move for nearly the length of the entire class. She hangs on stuff that you would never think is possible.
Future rock climber maybe, Olympic gymnast, not likely.


Of all the cool equipment at the Gymnastics place, Alex liked this one the best...the bowl of chalk. She really got after it with the chalk, one of the best in the class at this event.

snowing chalk

Due to the excessive amounts of chalk that Alex needed to go down this slide, it looked as if it was snowing in "the pit".