Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dear nice sewer guy

Dear nice man working on our sewer line,
I am real sorry for the little treat I sent you around noon today. I know you said to not use our water for the rest of the day. You mentioned things like, the kitchen sink, and laundry, you never once mentioned the toilets. I didn't mean anything, it was just habit.

Much like when the power goes out in your house. The first thing you do is look for a flashlight. Go into the bedroom, flick on the light to look for said flashlight. Hrrrrmph, I knew the power was out....silly me.
I know, I'll make some popcorn, cuz I'm gonna have to hunker down for the night if this power thing keeps up. Microwave....hrrrrrrmph...silly me again.

I'll set my alarm and go to bed.

Sorry sewer guy. Just be glad you weren't here on Wednesday.

high noon

This photo was cracking me up today. It must have been high noon judging from the shadow that my belly was casting. Nice teef big bro.

F.U. F-L-U

I was hit. Everyone else I knew had been hit, and tick tock tick tock tick tock, I knew it was my turn soon. The devil inside!
F.U. F-L-U. Be gone.

On another note, I hope I get my rebate check from the governmment before that satellite hits earth and dessimates us all. I'd like to do what I can to save the American economy before we go up in a blazin' enferno.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

fo shizzle

Today was a great day. I started the day with decaf coffee...mmmmmmmm...not as good as regular caf, but I feel better without that stagnated liver chi from the regular coffee (or at least that's what some hippie told me once).
Here is your monthly helmet pic of me.

I know I haven't been updating the blog very frequently as of late. And just for the record, it's my f'n blog, and I'll write what I want to write, when I want to write it. Anywho, my Virtual Friends were right (sparky and fisk), Juno is a great flick. Right up there with Little Miss Sunshine. The mother in Juno was my fave, fo shizzle.

girl it up

BFF and K-Man came to the firehouse last night for dinner. Here he is trying on his "backpack".
I actually make it point to refer to my uniforms as my "outfits".
"Which outfit should I wear for this call Captain?"
"I think these pants shrunk over the weekend. This outfit used to fit waaaay beter."

I do my best to really girl it up.

Friday, January 25, 2008


I made chicken tortilla soup, Rachael Ray style. Yummo

Monday, January 21, 2008


I'm sure most of my Virtual Friends already subscribe to JEMS (the Journal of Emergency Medicine) and have already seen this photo. I think I look great, seriously great. If not, pick up the January issue for some good bedtime reading.

I get recognized everywhere now. I fear that I may be headed for that downward spiral that often comes with stardom. Constant partying, drugs, driving drunk, making baby after baby and carrying them home from the hospital in my lap...

No cutting for you

Another picture from the Journal of Emergency Medicine. I'm the one on the right. I'm smiling under that mask. Much to my dismay, I didn't get to do any cutting that day.

She's an artist

Lauren P drew a picture of me. I call it my glamour shot. She had me posing for about 15 minutes with my hand on my chin, with my head tilted just right. When I would move, she would walk over to me and adjust it how she wanted it. Note my hands in the pic that she drew.

Artists are soooooo eccentric.

And no I don't just have 1 aerola, I had a t-shirt with a red symbol on my left.

Top 10

"Sloppy Joes" didn't make it into the top 5, they do however fit nicely into the top 10. Remember eating these with your hands as a kid?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

to the left, to the left...

9 out of 10 huggers go to the left. My sissy is that 1 I guess. I went to my left, and she went to her right. We were cheek to cheek for a good 45 seconds cuz I wanted to teach her a lesson.

Here is my bro and An-hel-a demonstrating the "right-sided-hug".

Cyber friends, don't do this. It is uncomfortable for both huggers. Nuff said.

Donde esta An-hel-a?

Had dinner at my parent's house last night and Nancy was the guest of honor. From the left, Bonnie, Nancy, T-rav, J-money, Gail, and Kurt. Suspiciously missing from the photo is An-hel-a.
Nancy is a real cowgirl. She lives in Montana on a ranch and teaches people horsemanship.

Can I have some privacy?

My sis talking on the phone in the pantry. It must have been real top secret.

Dad's delicious dessert

Strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, vanilla ice cream, mint choco chip ice cream, m&m's and whipped cream.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Life Coach Kenny

So I was just polishing off some Ben&Jerry's choco brownie fudge, when I decided to turn on the TV. (I rarely do that, turn on the TV I mean, but I've had a sinful day thus far, and I thought, why the hell not?)
Long story short, I got sucked into the BIGGEST LOSER. What a fantastic display of that new diet theory, Calories-In-Calories-Out. That stuff actually works.
Seriously, what a great show. I would love to be a trainer on that show. Even though, I'm not a trainer, and I've never "officially" trained anyone, I think I'd be great. Those people need a life coach, and as you know, I'm real good at offering unsolicited advice.

Wait till fish tacos...

A-Basin today and the snow was great. I think I'm gonna wait to go back till March when they start grillin' fish tacos out on the deck. My Polish Sausage today was a lie.

Freezing my t-ts off

Sooooo cold. It's going to be difficult to feel the air temp from looking at this photo, but try, cuz it was colder than that day in '07 when I went "sledding" with Root and Billy Rae.
And that, my Virtual Friends, is cold.

Got me again

Bunny ears never really get old. Got me again Robin.

Retired, after 20 years!!!

This is only part of the Commander's shrine after 20 years of service with the fuzz. She really brought down the house with her speech. I got all teary eyed, and the guys in the room were "tough crying", acting like they had allergies and stuff. Nice work by you Lori.

The Famous Commander Moriarty

Some pics of the famous "Commander Moriarty". She was too famous to actually photograph in person, and I was the Papparazzi. I never did get a decent picture of her.
Without getting too emo, she's an amazing person who has accomplished a lot, and I feel real lucky to be a part of her life.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


That stunning photo of me is gonna have to wait a few days...
First, let's do some "highs and lows".

Grilled cheese and tomatoe soup fer lunch, top five slot fo sho

Best cup of coffee ever this morning, not sure why, but it was deeee-lish

Sunshine today, about f'n time!

Every time I got in the car today, I heard nothing but songs that I love. And you guessed it, I sang real loud.

K-Man is 3 now. He shared one of his birthday cupcakes with me. MMMM

BFF has the devil inside, she's got the flu. I tried to do my excorcism, where I lay my hands on her chest and shout, "DEAMONS OUT!" It didn't work though. I took her to the doctor this morning, and she couldn't speak. All she could do was make that pumping motion with her thumb begging the nurse for a morphine drip. Then she would shape her hand like a gun and put it up to her temple. A low fo sho.

Spent the afternoon chipping ice away from our driveway and sidewalk so we don't get sued. (Don't get any bright ideas Root or Billy Rae, cuz we don't really own much of our house yet.)

My little shin bone muscles are 3 inches shorter than they were yesterday. I did a silly test at work yesterday that required us to "speed wog" 3 miles with a 50 pound weight vest. Oh dear God, maybe BFF will share her Morphine.

K-Man's birthday cupcake turned my teeth, lips and tongue black from the frosting.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Another one?

You thought the cover of "Midwest Events" was a big deal? Tighten your seatbelts readers, cuz I've got another whammy for you...tune in tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cleaning my grill '08

I was at the Dentist yesterday just chattin' away with the Hygenist (because that's what they like to do when they have they're cleaning your grill and you can't answer). Anywho, she was talking about a type of "tunable retainer", meaning you can adjust it, ya know, tune it.

Well, what I heard was, "tuna-bowl". And for the next 5 minutes, I didn't hear an f'n word she said, cuz I was thinking about Wahoo's Fish Tacos, and grilled veggies that I was going to have with my tuna bowl for dinner. I went to my happy place just thinkin' about that tuna bowl.

Guess what I had for dinner?
Thanks Hygenist Lady.

Lt. J Dangle

Lieutenant J Dangle made a guest appearance at work today. What a treat.

Mind if I work in?

He was all, "...mind if I work in with you on a couple of sets?"

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Scooby Doo

BFF and I got to hang out with K-Man tonight. We set up the tent in the basement, turned out the lights and watched Scooby Doo in our sleeping bags. You can see that K-man brushed his hair with a pillow. BFF absolutely forbid me to document her hair after 1 hour of Scooby.
BFF, Bella, K-Man and Kennequa just getting settled in the fort.


BFF, Bella and Bobby Bin Laden in the tent...

Leanin' back

I went out dancin' last night with mi amigas...we were really leanin' back. Mel-anie and Billy Rae showing off their moves.
We still got it you guys!!!!

Ross the Intern

I had no idea Ross the Intern would be out last night. I LOVE YOU ROSS!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

baby kennequa

I wonder where Hulk got his green eyes....hmmmmmm

Green eyes...

I had a dream last night that I had a kid with bright green eyes. I mean green like anti-freeze green, haz-mat green. Guess what I named him?
I woke up giggling...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Highlights of 2007

These are just some of the pics from 2007. I am very thankful that I am healthy, and that I have the best friends a girl could have. I simply couldn't post all of my "best-of-days"...most of them were spent with amigos and family.
These are just a few highlights...

Hot Tomatoes in 2007

I got to see the Hot Tomatoes a lot in 2007.

Trav "snake eyes" in Crested Butte

"Trav, don't do snake eyes on this one..."
Trip to Crested Butte with big bro and friends was a highlight of 2007.

K-Man in '07

K-Man grew up a lot in '07. It may have been his favorite year so far.

Fray Concert '07

The Fray Concert with the Sistras was a highlight. Someone threw something at us just as I was taking the pic...funny huh.

Look at my side pony tail

Going swimming with Fergalicious and her side-towel-ponytail was always good fun. We would get to laughing so hard that we would ingest so much pool water it would give us a tummy ache. Anywho, swimming with that girl was a lot of fun.

Laguna '07

Laguna with BFF. This was one of the best days of 2007.

ELLEN show '07

BFF and I went to Hollywierd and were guests in the audience at the ELLEN SHOW. The crowd was the same crowd that was at the Jerry Springer show a couple of hours earlier.
And I quote,
"If she gets in the front row because of her fake broken leg, I'm gonna break her other leg..." -an Ellen audience member

It was real cut-throat with that audience.

Moab '07

A couple of trips to Moab with friends and bikes makes it into the top 10.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico with the Big Squid, BFF, and Squeak was an '07 highlight fer sure.