Sunday, January 13, 2008


That stunning photo of me is gonna have to wait a few days...
First, let's do some "highs and lows".

Grilled cheese and tomatoe soup fer lunch, top five slot fo sho

Best cup of coffee ever this morning, not sure why, but it was deeee-lish

Sunshine today, about f'n time!

Every time I got in the car today, I heard nothing but songs that I love. And you guessed it, I sang real loud.

K-Man is 3 now. He shared one of his birthday cupcakes with me. MMMM

BFF has the devil inside, she's got the flu. I tried to do my excorcism, where I lay my hands on her chest and shout, "DEAMONS OUT!" It didn't work though. I took her to the doctor this morning, and she couldn't speak. All she could do was make that pumping motion with her thumb begging the nurse for a morphine drip. Then she would shape her hand like a gun and put it up to her temple. A low fo sho.

Spent the afternoon chipping ice away from our driveway and sidewalk so we don't get sued. (Don't get any bright ideas Root or Billy Rae, cuz we don't really own much of our house yet.)

My little shin bone muscles are 3 inches shorter than they were yesterday. I did a silly test at work yesterday that required us to "speed wog" 3 miles with a 50 pound weight vest. Oh dear God, maybe BFF will share her Morphine.

K-Man's birthday cupcake turned my teeth, lips and tongue black from the frosting.