Monday, December 26, 2011

Sledding with Mommy

Christmas has been fantastic!  Santa delivered the Chipettes and he ate all of his Candycorns and M&M's that Alex left for him.  I included a picture of our dog, Finley, because she also had a great Christmas.

Tops N Tights

Uncle Travis and Aunt Karen came by to deliver Alex's present of "Tops N Tights".

Dinosaur puzzle

Christmas puzzles with Grandma and Sussa.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Best presents ever!

Santa brought a Cassowary family!!!  Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

People are nuts.  This little house is famous for their Christmas decorations each year.
I woke Alex up, out of a dead sleep in the car, to this crazy scene.  She was sooooo excited.  There were a bunch of creepy dolls in those boxes from the 1940's.  (There was also a donation box to help with their energy bill.)

Hot tubbing

Hot tubbing after a day of sledding...
Alex made a snowball and put her apple juice in it for a refreshing beverage while soaking up the hot tub goodness.

Snow days

We have been playing in the snow A LOT the last few days.  We have been sledding, building snowmen, constructing tunnels, and having snowball fights.  Being a kid is the best ever!

Finally, a proper haircut

Alex went to a REAL salon the other day for a proper haircut.  She didn't love it, but her hair is so stinkin cute!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

I can't believe it!

Don't adjust your eyes, WE ARE ACTUALLY RIDING AN ELEPHANT!!!!!!!
You can see from the enormous crowd in the stands, just how popular this circus was.
The Carnies were real pushy, but we had a great time.

Look! Reindeer poopie!

First thing Alex says every morning, "Is this the part where Santa comes?"
It's going to be a long couple of weeks.

The good news is, Santa's Reindeer came to our house last night (as shown by poop).
The bad news is, Santa didn't leave any presents.  (This bad news had Alex hysterically crying in our driveway for about 10 minutes.)

"In a purfect wurld..."

Alex..........Alex, as herself
Crazy-haired Mailman..........Alex's Left Hand
Rasta Man..........Alex's Right Hand

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon."

So that is a REAL LIVE TIGER swimming right in front of Alex.  Do you see how underimpressed she is?  The Employees of the Aquarium were gathered around telling us how RARE it is for one of the tigers to be swimming!!!  It was so cool.
Alex was only interested in the Macaw that was in the next exhibit...crazy kid.
She is doing so great by the way.  She is happy and hungry!  I cannot believe what a change this tonsillectomy has made on her countenance, simply amazing.

Ralph versus Santa, the showdown

Santa is a real popular guy in our house these days, but he still doesn't compare to Ralph, the mailman.

A conversation between Mommy and Alex:

Alex:  "For Christmas, I want a Scooby, Velma, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, and a  baby cassowary."
Mommy:  "You need to ask Santa for those gifts."
Alex:  Closes her eyes real tight, puts her hands together, and begins whispering gift ideas.
Mommy:  "Are you praying to Santa, or are you praying to God?"
Alex:  "I'm praying to Ralph."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Batgirl is back in gymnastics

Check out that form...sweet huh?


Batgirl is feeling much better, thank you for the kind words and thoughts.  She had a bit of bad luck, and caught a nasty cold 2 weeks after her surgery.  We had a follow up with the Surgeon yesterday, and other than a bad cough, everything looks good.  Slowly, we are integrating "normal" activities back into her life.  We signed her up for gymnastics, and next month we will do music.  She is eating like crazy, which the Doctor says that it is common for kids for go through a big growth spurt after they recover from a tonsillectomy.  She is back up to her fighting weight (same weight as before surgery), and she is growing out of her pants!!!  It is so great to see her actually hungry.  She really has not had a good appetite for at least a year.  Lots of lessons learned the last 3 weeks, but mostly, we are thankful that we are all healthy again!!!!
Cheers to a GREAT Christmas!