Tuesday, August 23, 2011

An early morning conversation

5:00 am. (she ALWAYS sleeps till 7:30)

Alex: "Mama, I want to go to the store and buy a Spiderman costume, then we can go to the Candy store. Is the Candy store tall? Mama, open your eyes. I'm not tired anymore."

Me (barely opening my eyes): "OK, we can get you a Spiderman costume, then the candy store. Now close your eyes and go back to sleep."

Alex: "Is it tall?"

Me: "Yes. Candy stores are tall.". (As I'm falling back asleep.)

Alex: "Then we can buy an Indian costume. Deal?"

Me: "Deal.".

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cat Pirate

Playing dress up is the new favorite game. In this picture, Alex is a "Cat Pirate". (Everything is preceded with the word "cat" in her world.)
That is her dog, Dotty, and you can clearly see her "hook" for a hand.

nose picker

Alex gets distracted when she takes her nose on a scooter ride.
Doesn't she look tall?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A lazy sunday...hanging out in the millet with the deer family.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Uncle Travis and the rocket

Uncle Travis is loading up the "stomp rocket" for Sarafina.
Apparently, HE is the only one in the entire world who can do the stomp rocket correctly (according to Alex).

buh bye

Angela is off to college with her new computer...buh bye. We'll miss you sistra!

buh bye

We will miss you Joyce!

Monday, August 15, 2011

pure awesomeness

Hi, have you met my glasses?
I am now a proud owner of spectacles, and BFF has just ordered hers as well.
Awesome. Pure awesomeness.

2 boys and 2 girls

Rachel and Mer.
Pretty soon they're going to be a family of 4. Yup, Rachel is growing 2 boys in her belly! We are sooo happy for you guys!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another mother of the year award...

Alex was invited to play "ring around the rosie" at the park the other day. She really enjoyed playing with these little girls, UNTIL they all wanted to do "princess dancing". Alex was really underimpressed with this suggestion. I'm sure their moms were underimpressed with my parenting, when alex pulled down her little boy underwear and went "nature pee pee" right in the park.

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Driving and talking on the cell takes practice.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

hardcore cowpoke

I bet you're saying to yourself, "No saddle, that's a hardcore Cowpoke."
And she is.

kid movies

Cousin Vicky's visit was fun. She's getting married in a few weeks, and we can't go, so we are sooooo glad that she came to hang out with us and get caught up on all the kid movies.

Sorely disappointed

Painting didn't last long because Alex really wanted us to paint her a Snow Leopard. Alex said mine looked like a Donkey, and the one that Grandma Sussa drew looked like a kitty. That was the end of painting.

git some

School starts in less than a month for Alex, and we're going to try and squeak out as many "fun in the sun" days as possible.

fountain park

This is Alex's cool and hip aunt, Joyce. We had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with Joyce at the fountain park. Joyce is leaving for Africa in 2 weeks to show off her freshi freshi haircut and her new language of Swahili.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Curly haired goodness.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

pony ride

Alex went on a pony ride, ALL BY HERSELF!!!!
She chose to ride a pony named, Peanut.

cowgirl Jodi

Cowgirl Jodi really liked Alex. She even let Alex wear her hat.

Cousin Vicky and Grandma Sussa

Cousin Vicky is visiting from Iowa, and she just took the BAR exam in Iowa.
(That's right readers, I have a cousin that is a Lawyer, full on Soprano style, so don't mess.)
Alex baked her cupcakes for a reward.

I heart Veggies

This is my favorite t-shirt.
SHE SOOOOOOOO DOES NOT LIKE VEGGIES. She would rather eat shards of glass than veggies. But if you ask her, "What is your favorite food?", she will say "Broccoli and SeaWeed."
Really, her favorite food is frosting. Just frosting.

Monday, August 1, 2011

from dooce.com

This is a blog entry from one of my favorite authors, dooce.com
This perfectly describes Alex, and her crazy ex-girlfriend behavior, and then the garbage collecting, until finally, a time out.

The timer starts now
Last night at dinner Marlo became very angry when we would not let her eat a pile of shredded cheese off of the table without utensils or her hands. She just wanted to stick her face in it like a dog. Sadly, this behavior didn't surprise us because we have turned our back for two seconds only to realize that she is on the floor next to Chuck eating his food out of his bowl. With her face.


As most two-year-olds are wont to do, she began screaming hysterically. And as parents who have already lived through this with one kid are wont to do, we told her to get over it and then ignored her. Except, ignoring Marlo is like ignoring an ex-girlfriend who isn't ready to get over you yet. And next thing you know she's spelling SCREW YOU with gasoline on your lawn and is standing there with a match in her hand.

Because the pitch of the scream suddenly jumped to 170 decibels, the approximate sound of a rifle going off right beside your head. Not because of the cheese anymore, no. She went from screaming to sociopath because we stopped returning her phone calls. Because we disregarded her texts. We unfriended her on Facebook.

Jon promptly picked her up, set her on the floor ten feet away from the dinner table and said, "You've got two minutes to calm down." Operation Time-Out. This is sometimes a controversial parenting topic, whether or not to put your child in a time-out. You may think it's the most barbaric thing you could do to a child, and that's fine. I'll still invite you over for coffee, although I might spit in it.

Time-outs worked wonders with Leta because it stopped what my brother-in-law refers to as Garbage Collecting. She'd get so worked up that she'd lose sight of the reason she got upset in the first place and would then be screaming about fifteen other things she picked up as she spiraled out of control: we never let her have ice cream for dinner, we wouldn't get her a swimming pool, we always made her wear pants.

Time-outs gave her the space and time to calm down, and it removed us from the equation. And since we weren't screaming at her to, you know, CALM DOWN, she'd realize, hmmm. Now that it's quiet and I can think clearly, my parents are totally right.

Or something like that.

We've just started putting Marlo into time-outs, so she's still catching on to the whole idea. Meaning it makes her even angrier. And last night after Jon put her on the floor she dramatically flopped her whole body over and writhed. As if we has just injected her with electricity.

Leta thought that was the funniest thing she had ever seen, and because she doesn't like it when people laugh at her, she tried to hide her laughing. Which only made me and Jon laugh because OH MY GOD, kid. You used to do the exact same thing when you were her age.

"No, I didn't!" she said defensively, still laughing.

"Yes, actually, you did," Jon said. "Sometimes you'd even throw your body."

"I don't remember doing that," she said.

So I asked, "Do you ever remember being out into a time-out?"

"Nooooooo," she said, as if Jon and I were making the whole thing up.

THERE YOU GO. See? She doesn't have a single memory of how barbaric we were!