Sunday, January 31, 2010


Pretty artsy photos with the droplets of water, huh?
Today we had a fantastically boring day spent at home.
I had, what I call, an "eat-a-palooza". This is where I eat everything in front of my face, and enjoy each bite. Now I'm going to have a sleep-a-palooza on a counta my stomach is so full.


Alex is modeling her shirt-hat (look for pants-hat posting tomorrow).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

take this

"The talent" was trying to sneak away from the photo shoot today.
She demanded bottled water and red M&M's.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

a side of tots please

Little Miss Independent likes to brush her teeth for a good 15 minutes.
BFF had an infected tooth pulled yesterday at tooth hurty, and she's in a lot of pain. Alex is doing her best to nurse Mommy back to health.
Alex had a recheck on her ears yesterday for what seems to be chronic ear infections, and THEY'RE CLEAR!!!!!! This was such good news.
And as for me, I had pizza with bacon on it for dinner last night. The only thing that could have made that meal perfect would have been a side of tots.

Monday, January 25, 2010

So proud

I love Alex's expression in this photo. She looks so proud.
And pride is what I feel every day that I get to be your Mama.

G-ma Sunshine

Grandma Sunshine chased Alex all around the Aquarium playground.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

crafty little one

Alex LOVED craft time with BFF, Koben and Grandma Sunshine.

Arrrrggh, I'm a real Pirate

Grandma Sunshine made K-Man into a "real Pirate" by painting skull and crossbones on his stomach and skeleton bones on his back.
K-Man told Grandma Sunshine that she should move to Colorado and be a "Pace Fainter".

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stock Show 2010

Grandma Sunshine, Alex and I went to the Stock Show today.
We "snuck" in with the 3000 school children that poured out of the buses upon our arrival. But Grandma Sunshine did splurge on this horsey ride for Alex (check out the price...50 cents!!!!).

sorry little buddy

A moment of silence for the chickens (we had chicken soup for dinner).

set them free

Alex could not understand why she couldn't be closer to the pigs and cows (see tantrum in next photo).

I'm gonna get that hat Mama

Our little toddler wanted to pet all of the animals and take them home. She threw a tantrum, and part of her "act" was tearing my hat off in a fit of rage. She's a persistent little bugger.

the best exhibit ever

The exhibit that Alex liked best was the crystal display hanging in front of the window. She chased these little dots around the floor like it was her job.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

take that Big Rae

We went for a walk with Big Rae today. Alex liked the sound when her head hit the cement.
She would walk a few feet, then drop her, pick her up, then drop her again.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

just the important words, like eyeball

Alex's vocabulary is as follows:
Mama = she calls almost everyone Mama
baba = bottle
apple = apple, or when she wants "up" onto something. She gets them confused.
wawa = water
yoyo = yogurt
happy = this means you must read her the "if you're happy and you know it book", or to sing her happy birthday
bapa = her grandpa keeley
shoe = shoe
E-I-E-I = sing her "old macdonald had a farm, eieio"
Rae = her 3 favorite dolls
Shrek = Shrek
pants like a dog = whenever she sees a dog
eye = eyeball
dotdog = hot dog
Jack = cute boy across the street

Most of her communication is sign language these days. We have a sign for every animal. It's not the CORRECT sign per se, but BFF and I know what she's talking about.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

where's the fire?

My little buddy is ready for action.
If there were audio to go along with this picture, she'd be making that double clicking sound on the side of her mouth.

if strawberry milk can't fix it...ouchy.

Alex dragged this Dalmation around in this headlock position for a LONG TIME at the Museum yesterday. She set it down for a nano-second and another little girl took it. This hurt Alex deeply...not even strawberry milk could mend her little broken heart.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is winter over yet?

We are currently experiencing a "heat wave" in the Denver area. Looks warm doesn't it? Bring on summer.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Playdate at the Children's Museum

We had a playdate at the Children's Museum today with Beth and Sam. It was real hard to capture an image of them together because Sam generally liked to be on the slides, and Alex liked making Pixie dust the best. They didn't spend much time in this room because Sam ate the crayons and Alex put the yellow paintbrush in her mouth.

say "cheese"

The firetruck and the firedog at the Museum.
She's totally posing in this picture.

Shopping for produce

Beth says that Alex has it in her to blood to grocery shop (on a counta her Mommy).


just relaxing with my buddy

Look who was tired after our afternoon outing?
Alex (very methodically) put Hulk down on the carpet, then she laid down next to him to watch Shrek.

hard rocker hair

Can your hair do this?
Alex's can.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Am I a piece of chicken? Well then get off my grill!

All that screaming and crying at the chicken's 15 month Doctor's appointment tuckered her out.
Pertinent statistics:
Weight: 50%
Height: 90%
Head circumference: 97%
General attitude about the Doctors all up in her grill: VERY POOR

playdate, sorda

Alex and Jack don't play TOGETHER so well, but if you put a sheet of glass between them, they get along OK.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rae's stroller? Nuh-uh!

Remember that stroller that Santa brought Rae for Christmas?
Yeah, it's broken.

Kissing the Incredible Hulk

I am currently seeking a "strong baby" contest (that I'm certain Alex will win) somewhere in the metro area.
This kid loves to push, pull and lift heavy things. She'll need some work on her technique, especially when competing in the one where the babies carry the super-heavy jagged rock, cuz she drops stuff on her toes a lot. But if she has to pull a car, she'll win fo sho.
Her inspiration is The Incredible Hulk.

Monday, January 11, 2010

He's baaaaaaack!

My rear view mirror has been obstructed with the Incredible Hulk. Alex and Hulk are renewing their friendship as of today. She talks to him, runs her fingers through his hair, and drags him around everywhere.

soccer in the mall

Alex and I played soccer in the mall today. See that guy in the picture looking at Alex? He was standing there for the longest time with his arms crossed, watching the chicken while he was on his break from work. She walked over, stood right next to him, and crossed her arms, JUST LIKE HIM. She kept looking up at him to make sure that her imitation was still accurate.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Do you think that Alex watches too much UFC?
This is a textbook example of the "armbar".
(Too bad Bobby Bin Laden doesn't know how to tap out.)

my besties

Alex and her 4 "besties" watched Toy Story this afternoon.
These girls should totally take a page out of Alex's book and learn how to reach into the snack bowl and not take your eyes off the movie, she's the master of this skill.


BFF and I tried to disguise our beverages with some "koozies" while Alex's posse was over.
The only thing more obvious would have been paper bags wrapped around our beers.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Little Executive

After Alex got through the high security screening, Alex wasted no time in Mommy's office and got right to work.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Working in the kitchen with Mama

Do you ever have too many tupperware bottoms and not enough lids?
Um, we do.

movies anyone?

Alex and Rae walked through the gym today like they owned the place. She must remember being a member here when she was only a couple months old, because I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING, it was like she owned it.
(And that guy standing in front of the weights needs to go to the movies...and pick his seat.)

Monday, January 4, 2010

ain't no crime

I blame the crappy winter weather for this little "outing" to Smashburger today.
Alex liked the cup and the pickles the best. Next time I'm going to save my $9 and just order those items.
One time I asked BFF if she'd rather find a pack of cigarettes in Alex's backpack, or an old McDonalds wrapper. After a bit of thought she said she would rather find the wrapper.
Whew, I'm going to remind her of that conversation tonight when she notices the ketchup stains on Alex's shirt.

here kitty kitty

Alex's new favorite thing to do is to "wrestle" with Codie.
Here she is in a textbook example of the "rear naked choke hold" made famous by the UFC wrestlers.


The half-nelson.


The sleeper hold.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The BEST OF 2009...January

I cannot believe that this picture was taken 12 short months ago when our little chicken was only 3 months old! I have picked out a few pictures from the year, and the changes are incredible.
This has been the best year of my life, and we are so incredibly blessed that we have a healthy little girl.


The nursing strike was unforgettable. This little stinker is still calling the shots.


Alex eats solid food for the first time.


Alex and her Mommies had a great time at the beach!


This kid LOVES being outside in the sunshine.


Alex's summer has been busy with Storytime on Mondays, $2 Tuesdays at the pool, and our Thursday playdates.


This month was monumental in Alex's happiness as she officially learned to crawl.


Music class was sooooo much fun for Alex. I swear, she feels music down to her little bones from the way she dances!


Alex turns 1! Alex's birthday was an emotional day for Mama, but our little chicken is gonna grow up whether I like it or not.

October 2009

Alex is now capable of calling anyone in my phone book, AND she has some real important stuff to say.


In November Alex was officially walking. With Rae as her Best Friend Forever, they were inseparable.

And finally, December 2009

Alex, you will always be the cheese in my macaroni, Happy New Year!