Friday, October 29, 2010

Stamps are the bestest ever

Alex was SUPER DUPER excited to get a stamp on her tummy at the end of music class. When I told her it was time for stamps, she jumped off my lap, pulled her pants down, lifted her shirt, and walked over to Ms. Leah for her stamp.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This is Alex's signature move in gymnastics. She feels as though she's perfected hanging on the bars, now she's moved on to the handstand/pike.

"He's scared. He's scared."

Fester is scared.
Alex's two favorite emotions are scared and sad. She loves to comfort her dolls when they are really suffering.

Kids Eat Free!

Kids eat free at Denny's on Tuesdays.
Alex had syrup.
BFF and I agreed that Denny's is more delicious with a hangover.


Alex fixing her Rocket.

Sick sick sick

Fall has been beautiful. Unfortunately Alex has been to the Doctor 4 times in 4 weeks. First Strep, then complications from Strep shot, then nasty kid virus, now croup. Mommy took her to the Doctor yesterday. When she parked the car, Alex took one look at the building and said,"BLUE SUCKER COMING!"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Sucker me."

When Alex wants a sucker now, she says, "Sucker me", or "Sucker time".


I took the chicken swimming. If you ask her if she had fun, she'll say, "Alex cold. Mama cold."

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Colors

Fall in Colorado is short and beautiful.

"Sucker Mama. Playground and sucker."

This is the face of a child PLEADING with me to let her have her sucker while she plays on the playground.
Mama 1
Alex 476
(I'm finally catching up.)

Apple pickin'

Finally! Time to pick the apples.
Anyone have a good apple recipe?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Intubation of Fester with Alien named Gravis

This is Fester's 3rd trip to the Doctor's office in a week and a half, poor guy.
Alex and Mama have been sick, sick, sick (Mommy has stayed healthy, knock knock).
I believe we are getting better, FINALLY! Good thing, cuz we were gonna have to get Alex to pee in a cup if she didn't get better. (She would have done it for a sucker, she'll do anything actually, for a sucker.)
In the photo above, Alex is intubating Fester with a plastic Alien. She is incredibly precise.


Alex got an A+ at the Doctor's office for behavior.
When the Doctor wanted to look in her ears, she'd say, "Mama's turn, Doctor's turn, Alex's turn, Fester's turn."
This order was repeated for every skill that he performed...we all got turns.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Little Picasso

Alex LOVED painting at the Children's Museum.
Painting and drawing are her new favorite things...she's real artsy (she must get that from her Grandma Sussa).

Master stream

Alex was hanging on the Master Stream device on the Fire Truck at the Museum.
That's funny, cuz that's what I usually do when we flow that thing at work, seems to be a bit more stable that way.

Hello, Grandma

Alex was practicing her 9-1-1 calls, (except she kept calling Grandma).

Monday, October 4, 2010

2nd haircut

I took Alex to get her haircut today.
She screamed and kicked for the first ten minutes.
She kept pointing at me screaming, "Mama's turn! Mama's haircut! Mama's turn!".
It was touch and go for a while, but that hair lady got the job done.


It was kid day at the Firehouse yesterday.
Alex and Wyatt have known each other since they were 20 gestational weeks old. Those two were hilarious together.

9-5 Girls to boys

The girls outnumbered the boys at the firehouse last night, and it was AWESOME.
We were going to do the boys' hair and stuff, but then Mickey Mouse came on the tele.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pumpkin Festival 2010

Mommy, Alex and I went to the Pumpkin Fest today. Holidays are waaaaay more fun with a kid in your life...actually EVERYTHING is more fun with a chicken to share it with!

soul mates

Alex and Gus are basically bruthas from different muthas. These two connected on a deep level.

petting zoo carnies

Alex fed "Willie" grass for like 30 minutes, while I talked to the Petting Zoo equivalent of the Carnies.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Great Mimi's muffins

Given many choices, Alex wanted to bake today.
We decided to make "Great Mimi's Muffins". We made a gluten-free version, and they were delish.

2 year check up

Alex went to the Doctor for her 2 year old check up.
Here are some important stats:
Height 80%
Weight 80%
Blood Pressure 102/crying
Doctor's exam revealed Strep Throat! I was telling the Doctor that Alex hasn't had an appetite for a week or so. He decided to do a throat culture, and it came out positive. I decided to give Alex the one-time shot, as opposed to the penicillin for 10 days twice a day. (She got 2 suckers out of the deal.)
Today is a different story, she is hobbling around like she's just had a hip replacement. That shot must have been super duper painful, sorry chicken.