Monday, August 30, 2010

one track mind

This picture cracks me up.
Alex hearts cake.

Bapa and the chicken

Alex really likes her Bapa. She kept a close eye on him.
She kept saying, "Hurry Bapa! Hurry!" (no matter what he was doing).
Then, when we were all eating cake, she made double sure that Bapa got a piece.
"Bapa? Cake Bapa?"

Friday, August 27, 2010

Music Class 2010

Musical genius? Um, YES. Isn't it obvious?
10 weeks of intensive music class has begun.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Walking Spot

The Social Worker came over last night, on a counta the state says that BFF has to adopt Alex officially.
Alex was HI-LARIOUS. First she refused to eat the delicious meal we prepared for her, and she demanded Craisins for dinner. Then she was showing off her enormous vocabulary for her.
The Social Worker asked Alex, "Can you say your FULL NAME?"
Alex said, "YOUR FULL NAME."
Minus 1 point for sugary dinner, minus 1 point for sarcasm, plus 1 point for working smoke detectors in each room.
We'll let you know the final score.

Forever known as, the Springer beach

Alex and I played at the local lake and beach yesterday. (You can also see from the photo that I tried exfoliating her face with a mixture of sunscreen and coarse sand.)
We had to leave early because I got all craaaaazzzzzy mama on her.
These two 4 year old boys kept saying, "SHUUUUT UUUP!" "No you SHUUUT UP!"
I asked them to please not say that word anymore, because it's not nice. They kept it up. Then Alex started saying it!!! I then asked them where their mom's were.
They were all, "I DON'T KNOW!"
So I came unglued. I marched up and down that muddy beach shouting, "Who has the 2 blond boys on the playground?"
2 different Moms stood up, both smoking cigarettes, both on cell phones.
I narked those little boys out, then we left cuz I didn't want their Moms to go all Jerry Springer on me.

My friend

Alex showed this monkey her baby. She called this particular monkey "friend". She would say, "Hi friend. My baby, friend. Bye friend."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hat Mama, hat!

Alex tried on Jack's new hard hat.
It fit her perfectly!


We went to Jack's 2 year old birthday party yesterday. He got this sweeet toolbench. When he took it out of the box, Alex screamed, "KITCHEN, KITCHEN!"
(She just got a new/used kitchen that she loves.)


Isn't that just the cutest little puffball of hair?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

gymnastics class

Gymnastics class has begun!
There are no other kids in this picture because they are all sitting on the big red mat singing a song. Alex could not control her urge to move.

"Mama hang, mama hang!"

Alex ran around for the entire hour, and found ways to hang upside down on EVERYTHING.

"More stamp please"

Alex really felt like she deserved stamps on every inch of her skin after all that hanging.
She kept telling Mrs. Amanda, "More stamp please. More stamp please."

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Incredible Alex

Alex still loves her Hulk.
(She just seems so big to me!)

Shaving cream smile

Barbasol makes for hours of entertainment.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1 year ago today...

Can you believe it?

cracking me up

The chicken travels with a lot of accessories.
She has a new word, it's "apricot". She pronounces it "APA-COCK!" (while screaming).

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Vince, Alex and Joe were up on stage while the family sang Happy Birthday to Alex. It wasn't her birthday, she just REALLY likes that song.

mommy, this isn't a foreign car

Alex has never actually driven an American-made vehicle.
When in Rome (or Michigan)...

fly bye

While Alex was spreading the love to this poor cat, Angelica kept doing "fly-bye's" on her big girl bicycle (much like Goose and Maverick).


Ever been to Narnia?
Alex has.
This dirt road leads to a land where animals talk, magic is for real, and good battles evil on a daily basis.
At the end of this road, you're tripping over frogs, getting grass stains on your rear end from the zip line, catching a fish on every cast, getting dirt stuck to your skin where your Popsicle just dripped, working up a SWEAT climbing that grassy hill you just rolled down on your belly...oh, and the adults might have rules, IF THEY CAN CATCH YOU!

too tired

Then you're too tired to walk YOUR OWN curly-haired self back to the fire pit where you're making S'mores.
Thanks Mimi and Megan, this truly was a day we will never forget!

Grandma and Alex

Grandma is zipping up Alex's cowgirl boots.
A diaper and cowgirl boots, again, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Growing up with the paparazzi, Alex knows how to ham it up in front of the camera now.
This kid loves hats.


How do you like Alex's SHIRT-PANTS?
Alex insisted on wearing her pajama shirt, as pants the other night.


Chocolate pudding finger painting before dinner.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

1 step forward...

We are making some progress regarding the dinosaur desensitization therapy. The dinosaur book titled, "Potty Poo-Poo Wee Wee!" has been a big help.
I give my parenting choices that dreadful day a C- however (she did still get 3 square meals, a nap, and 20 minutes of books).