Thursday, June 28, 2012


This is the kid who won't even let me put a shirt on her in the morning.  For these two Dentists, she opened her mouth, and did whatever they asked for about 15 minutes.

Monday, June 25, 2012


So this is what we've been up to during this heatwave in Colorado.  Our entire state is on fire.  (I think we have 8 wildfires burning right now.)
Alex and I have spent just about every waking minute in various pools.  Alex's favorite thing to do is really long, twisty, waterslides, with a lot of stairs. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A quick introduction

Alex walked in the door of her first soccer practice and said, "Hi, I'm Alex and I have two Moms."
I sure love this kid.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New set of parents (she told me so herself)
Don't be fooled by the cuteness, she's a verbal ninja. 

This is her demonstrating her best Cheetah roar, which looks nothing like her actual tantrums, but she's tough alright.  Tonight we made her go to bed right after dinner, and I reminded her of the kid named "Max" in WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, who was sent to bed without ANY supper after he told his mom, "I'll eat you up!"