Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Get my slippers cabanna boy!

Dear Virtual Readers,
You have all (well O.K. some) been very patient with me during this difficult time. Things are about to change...cuz tomorrow I'm off to Mexico with my BOO. His name is PP, and he's a photographer who has invited me along as his assistant to shoot a wedding.
Actually, I see our roles changing a bit when we get down there. He'll be called "CABANNA BOY". The locals will know me as "gringa who loves umbrella drinks". DELICIOSO.

Pics to follow. Probably only head shots as BOO and I are using this time to lose approximately 1/4 of our current body weight. That should put me just about right, and him just under 200.

1 comment:

Hooray said...

I am just going to say FF and have FUN!