Monday, May 25, 2009

John and Kate...full of HATE

I am furious.  John and Kate, splitting up????  No way!

I heart Kate.  I know her hair looks like a hairdo from the Flock of Seagulls, but I like her.  She is no non-sense, she loves her kids, she is hella organized, and I LIKE HER.  There I said it.  
And John...well he has hair plugs. 

But I didn't see this one coming.  Imagine how YOU would feel if Oprah and Gail broke up?
That's how upset I am. 

BFF just let me know that we're never doing a reality TV show cuz it ruins people, and their relationships.  

What's next?  The "little people" messing around on each other at the yearly convention?

I need some support right now Virtual Friends...

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