Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Little Miss Talkuntilmidnight

Dear Little Miss Talkuntilmidnight,

Talking until the wee hours of the night is totally unacceptable until you get your first cell phone. I know your big, fat, brain is on overload with all of the new words you are learning, but are you sure it can't wait until morning? Yes, I am glad that you didn't cry until midnight, but your talking was interrupting the 47th time I've watched Top Gun. You're probably gonna learn some cool stuff EVERYDAY, AND I WANT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT, I am just making myself crazy trying to keep you healthy this winter. So tonight, after story time on the bed with Mommy, you can talk all you want in your dreams, and I will be here to listen to you in the morning. Deal?



1 comment:

sbrink719 said...

Man, she loves that cat!