Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our little 16 monther

Can any of my Virtual Friends recommend a good book on behavior modification for temper tantrum-throwing toddlers?
Alex will make periodic demands throughout the day, and if not met to her satisfaction, she will arch her back, fall to the ground, and occasionally bang her head (Ozzy style), because, she simply cannot go on living, if "THAT KID, TOUCHES THAT STUFFED ANIMAL ONE MORE TIME!"


GP said...

Author James Dobson - "The new strong willed child" or "The new dare to discipline". Both available on cheap if you get a used version.

Randy G. said...

Yea I know we don't care for the FOTF organization of the above mentioned author but the content of his book is good. Pam and I absolutely gave no reaction to Andrea or Addison when they would do it. They soon learned that it gained them nothing and soon quit.

Unknown said...

Kenny, we're big fans of the Love and Logic institute
Most local libraries have their books, and we've found their ideas practical and easy to implement. They base everything on respect and teaching/training your little one to become a fully functioning adult - not coddling them but allowing them to develop them own decision-making and self-calming skills. Have fun!

MEGrattan said...

I strongly reommend The Ultimate Little Martini Book by Ray Foley... it'll get you thru!
;-) Moons6