Thursday, September 25, 2008


Nothing to report.

Since Hulk doesn't feel like coming out yet, I'll do "highs and lows" for today's posting.

Kept busy this morning running errands, and when I finally looked at the clock, it was 2:30.  Just in time for ELLEN.

Lunch with my boyfriend PP Pettersen.

I realized that the underwear I purchased from King Soopers is mildly irritating to my skin. 
Actually, it's the frills on the top (not in a Victoria's Secret kind of frills) of the underwear that are sorta itchy.  (NOTE: there are several lows in this one.  Purchasing underwear from the grocery store #1.  Wearing underwear with frills at the top #2.  And lastly, the irritation to the skin #3.)


Hooray said...

i think hulk will come out laughing soon

jannie said...

can we hurry this process up, we are getting real obsessed with this blog!