Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2 months old!!!!

Dear Alex,
Holy cow!  I can't believe you're 2 months old already.  You gave me the best present ever on your birthday by sleeping for 9 hours straight!  I actually thought my left boobie was going to reach over and wake you up all by itself.  
In your 8 weeks, you've made some huge accomplishments:

You are smiling now!

Your hair is coming in and covering some of the forehead I thought you had the misfortune 
of inheriting from me.  You seem to have avoided what I refer to as "crop circle hair" that most of your peers have.

I think you recognize our voices.

I am super jealous that you can poop and eat at the same time.  What a time saver that would be for me.  

You've already outgrown all of your 0-3 month clothes (thanks to the sweet, sweet nectar).

While I want you to nap, I miss you terribly when you sleep longer than an hour.

I know the time is going to come when you'll say things like, "Poop on your head Mama", and "Farty on you".  Or worse yet, you'll be soooooo embarrassed by me that you'll want me to park down the block when I pick you up from school.  And I can't say I blame you Alex, because just the other day I caught myself saying, "Did you facebook her?"  (Which I know is totally not right.)  And I happen to think it's O.K to wear socks with my clogs and shorts.  
And you'll be all, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOM!"

But for now, I'm going to enjoy every second I have with you, BECAUSE YOU STILL LIKE ME. 

And to my sister and all the Virtual Friends who said that my blog is getting so EMO (short for emotional) it makes you want to puke...
I will totally hold your hair back for you while you blow your innards because this kid has made me a total puss.  

And finally Alex, I know there are better parents out there who have more experience with raising kids.  Just so you know, I totally have an advantage on them, because I AM a kid.



Anonymous said...

Dee Dee-What wonderful observations you're making!!! Enjoy every moment-they're so fleeting. This is from another emo! I love your blogs!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love it Kendra, and yes sweet little babies will do that to you. :) She is beautiful.

Hooray said...

You are sooooo going to have to scrapbook this all for the chicken to see when she gets old:) She will laugh, and laugh, and laugh...: )

jannie said...

You suck...as i wipe tears, sucka!