Monday, November 24, 2008

I am such a rookie

My big bro came over yesterday to watch the chicken so that I could get stuff done.  BFF has been real sick for the past few days, and she's trying not to give us the devil that she has inside, Uncle T-Rav came and helped out.  
Speaking of getting stuff done...the neighbor (who is going to watch Alex while we are away at work) looked after Alex for 2 hours on Friday.  THIS IS MONUMENTAL FOR ME.  This marks the first time that someone other than BFF or I have been alone with her since she was born!  I sprinkled some extra prozac into my triple espresso, and I went to the gym - WITHOUT ALEX.  
I told said neighbor that it is just really hard to get stuff done while I'm with Alex, blah, blah, blah.  
So, when I picked Alex up, the neighbor had managed to feed her 2 year old, feed Alex, put 2 year old down for nap, and bake 4 apple pies, IN 2 HOURS! 

I am such a rookie.

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